(The article before was originally published in my Newsletter. I got so many comments on it, I thought I would share it with you and invite your comments) The last thing any of you want at the end of the year and during this Holiday season is a long update from me. I’ll try keep this short. My main purpose is to thank each of you for following this update, your feedback and great support! I continually get great comments, they mean a lot to me.
A Year Of Change: A year ago, I think all of us were reeling, struggling to understand what was happening in the global economy, and trying to figure out how to deal with it–both organizationally and personally. In my career, I certainly have never experienced anything like this. Today, upon reflecting on the year (hindsight is fantastic), it has been one of the most exciting in my experience. The economy has forced all of us to rethink everything we do — this has been the silver lining behind the recession. Success and growth masks a myriad of bad practice and causes each of us to become a little complacent. We all fall victim to it. The recession has been a great wake up call. We at Partners In EXCELLENCE have rethought what we do and how we contribute to our clients, colleagues, and friends. While we have been very fortunate through the past year, many that we work with have not been as fortunate. We’ve had an exciting year working with many of you. The economy has forced every business to reexamine their strategies, reassess the relationships they want to have with current and potential customers, and discover new ways to reach their markets. Working with you, we have been involved in some of the greatest innovation I have ever seen. The excitement of working on really new things and seeing them produce tremendous results cannot be described. As an example, the other day, I had a discussion with a good friend and client. Early in the year, the business looked grim. The pipeline looked particularly bad, as many of his customers were canceling projects. Earlier in the week, he and I had a conversation. the pipeline is about 12 times larger than it was in January. It is the result of a careful rethinking of their strategies and how they create value for their customers. More importantly, it was the result of tremendous discipline, sharp execution and great leadership. It was great to have contributed to their efforts, but all the credit is theirs–they made it happen. I could go on with many other stories, but you get the point.
The Work Is Just Starting: As I speak with people around the world, the perspective is very different from a year ago. We still have a long way to go, but there is a cautious optimism. The most interesting thing are the attitudes around creativity, innovation, and change. Most people recognize we are in a new business climate—and this is the way things are going to be. Working with you creates tremendous joy for us. We are privileged to help many organizations and individuals grapple with very difficult issues. We are excited by a spirit of innovation and creativity, that keeps all of us learning and fresh. It is great to contribute and to see individuals and organizations grow. There still is much to do. There is light at the end of the tunnel, but there is still much more to go in the recovery. Too many outstanding people are without jobs. Some organizations have been treading water, but now have to focus on rebuilding. Others will continue to drive, change and innovate. The results will be better for all — for our customers, for our employees and stake holders, and for each of us and our families.
Thank You! It is such a privilege to work with so many exciting people and organizations. Within Partners In EXCELLENCE, we continue to be thankful for the opportunity to be a part of what you are doing. We wish you, your companies, and your families the best during this Holiday season, and look forward to working with you in what is looking to be an exciting 2010! Best Regards, Dave |
A Year Of Change, The Work Is Just Starting
Hi Dave
It’s interesting to hear the perspectives of the many clients and colleagues that you’ve encountered in this wild year of economic change we’re in. I’m reminded that the difference between coal and diamonds is pressure. When times are good, almost anyone can turn a profit, but the kind of difficulties we’ve all been facing lately have historically resulted in wiser leadership and stronger businesses which ultimately means a stronger economic base.
It’s no fun going through it, but I for one rest in the thought that all this tribulation is making many of us sharper and better equipped for the future. No doubt countless others are finding ways to trim the fat or reinvent themselves that they would not even have considered had it not been for these lean times.
It’s my hope that many will also develop a deeper appreciation for the things that matter most in life – for me that’s family, faith, charity and community – all of which have come into much sharper focus through fourteen months of unemployment.
I hope this season is one of positive change for you and yours as well!
Don F Perkins
Don, thanks for the comment! Isn’t it funny how adversity makes us stronger and better? Happy New Year!