Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


"Building a great client experience does not happen by accident. It is the result of purposeful, collaborative design" Dave Brock.

Our work with our clients is a highly collaborative effort. Our clients are among the top performing organizations in the world, facing huge challenges and opportunities. Our process of working with our clients is to leverage our complementary experiences and with those of our clients. Our value is not so much the answers or insights we provide, but how we help our clients discover, design, and execute things they may not have imagined.

What Clients Say

“I have worked with Dave at three companies over the past 10 years of so. That alone is a testament to the value he brings. More specifically, Dave brings analytical tools and a ton of knowledge that allows you to move quickly from data analysis to action plans that drive meaningful results. Yo might be able to figure all this out on your own; Dave will figure it out much faster. And you don’t have time to wait.”  Pete Tapley, Vice President of Global Sales

Dave sets himself apart in the industry with his ruthless focus on preparation and sales discipline.  Dave's mentorship and coaching is designed to ensure I focus on the most qualified opportunities, bring exceptional value to each customer interaction and win more deals. He has been an indispensable mentor and transformational influence.”  Mary Grogan Strain, Business Development Manager

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