Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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Machines Writing Like Humans…..

By David Brock | December 20, 2022

Brent Adamson and I have been exchanging experiences we are having with ChatGPT. Brent expressed what I’ve been thinking, “I guess it takes a machine writing like a human to show that most humans write like machines.” ChatGPT’s writing style and communication is not bad. Sentences are well formed, the words make sense, but every document I read is missing something. It’s the ability to “connect.” And that’s the challenge with AI/ML, currently. It’s the inability to connect and communicate at a human level. The ability to recognize who we, each, are, and to connect in ways that create meaning […]

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False Choices, A Reprise

By David Brock | December 20, 2022

Our social media feeds are constantly filled with false choices. Take, for example, every LinkedIn survey you see in your feed, you are asked to choose between very different alternatives, yet all of them apply and we can’t make a real choice. In many of our strategies, we create false choices and priorities. “Which one thing must we focus on, we must choose one from these 4 alternatives….” The problem is, we live in a world of increasing turbulence, disruption, rapid change, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity. We are overwhelmed with good information and data, which too often presents contradicting conclusions. With […]

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Investing In The Future Of Selling

By David Brock | December 19, 2022

Regular readers know that I tend to write and talk a lot about the future of selling. Sometimes, I look at the stuff that’s inflicted on all of us in the name of prospecting, opportunity development, and so forth, and I tend to be pretty pessimistic. There’s just a lot of organizations who tend to do the “safe” thing–what they’ve always done and what everyone else is doing. And, despite these approaches failing, the mantra is to do more. And then there are those, that think differently, organizations and leaders that are transforming how they engage their customers, how their […]

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Chatting With CHATGPT On Selling…..

By David Brock | December 16, 2022

I’ve been fascinated to read about the experiments people are doing with CHATGPT. It’s a fascinating tool, offering some potentially fascinating potential. At the same time, as so many others have discussed, using CHATGPT is a double edged sword; there are some very powerful applications, at the same time there is a huge potential for misapplication and misinformation. Some of the articles I’ve read suggest that when “experts” are interacting with CHATGPT, it’s pretty easy to identify these potentially problematic areas—the issue is for those who may not know they may be getting misinformation. It appears, for the time being, […]

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When Our Business Models Break……

By David Brock | December 14, 2022

Everyday, I have conversations with a wide variety of people, whether senior corporate executives, sales/marketing leaders, sales enablement/sales ops, front line sales managers, sellers, marketers. While the conversations are different, there is an underlying theme common to them all. “Our business models are breaking, they are no longer working the way they used to work……” These folks may not recognize it, up front, but eventually we get to this discovery. Virtually everything that used to work, no longer seems to be working—or it’s not delivering the results expected. Prospecting is broken, even very good prospecting outreaches are no longer as […]

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Sales Manager, What Value Are You Creating?

By David Brock | December 13, 2022

Sellers know that value creation and realization are critical in engaging our customers. We create value in many different ways—insight we might bring our customers, inciting them to think differently and change, helping them make sense of all the information they try to sort through, helping them navigate their buying journey, helping them make a decision with high confidence, and helping them realize the value they expected as they implement the change. Value creation is a fundamental in our work with our customers. But what about the value we create within our own organizations? What value are we creating with […]

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