Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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Pick Up The Phone And Talk To A Customer

By David Brock | March 16, 2020

It’s a unique time in history. We are all struggling with fear, uncertainty, risk. Physical separation and isolation is becoming increasingly important, both for our own safety, but also for the safety of others. Unfortunately, this separation and isolation creates social isolation–which is very unhealthy. Human beings are social creatures, we are used to and thrive on day to day interaction with our colleagues, suppliers, customers. We are used to participating in meeting after meeting (perhaps a silver lining to what we are going through is we will bee more thoughtful about meetings.). We are used to chatting with each […]

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“The Times, They Are ‘A-Changing…”

By David Brock | March 15, 2020

This post is a departure from my normal diatribes on sales, leadership, business strategy, personal development. It’s a brief commentary and observations on what each of us, and the world faces with COVID-19. I have no expertise, no deep knowledge; just observations based on what I am reading and hearing on the news. I am not a medical expert and will not be expressing any medical opinions. We face something few of us as individuals, communities, organizations, and nations have ever faced. Each of us will be touched, in some way. Someone in our family, a neighbor, someone at work […]

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How Are You Being Sold To?

By David Brock | March 12, 2020

Daily, my inbox, voicemail, texts, and social feeds are filled with prospecting outreaches–people trying to sell me, helping me sell more/better. As you might guess, most of it is appalling! One wonders, if they represent their company/products/services/themselves so poorly, how would they represent our company? If their attempts at selling themselves is so bad, how could they ever do anything that would produce the kind of results we want? This morning, I got an InMail from someone who’s company apparently “hounds” prospects for leads: David: I created an 11 minute “behind the scenes” video that shows exactly how we are […]

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“Playing The Game,” Measuring The Right Things, Measuring Things Right

By David Brock | March 12, 2020

A great client and I were having a conversation about sales performance. He’s the manager of a high performing sales team–but it hasn’t always been that way. We were discussing the “before” and “after.” He characterized the “before” as heavily activity oriented. Each sales person had activity metrics–numbers of prospecting calls, numbers of customer meetings, numbers of proposals, numbers of bathroom breaks—OK, just seeing if you are paying attention. Everything was measured, coaching focused on making the numbers–the activity numbers, not the goals/outcomes. For a while that approach was OK, they were making their goals. As goals increased, as the […]

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The Present Opportunity

By David Brock | March 10, 2020

Our societies, communities, workplaces and businesses are in turmoil. The Covid-19 virus, oil prices, and other disruptions are converging on creating business and economic crises–and opportunities. The natural reaction of many sales people is to sit back, saying, “The economy is bad, people aren’t buying!” The reality is, this is the time when there is a higher propensity to buy than any other time. Think about it for a moment, when things are good, the mentality of many is, “Why change?” There are still problems, but there may be less urgency in addressing those problems. When do people buy? When […]

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Buying Is About People, Why Isn’t Selling?

By David Brock | March 9, 2020

Buying is about people. They are part of organizations and teams. They are united in achieving a goal. Whether it’s to address a new opportunity, solve a problem, learn and grow; a buying group works together to achieve a goal. The buying process is messy, a characteristic of intensely human interaction. The research tells us this with data about how many buying efforts end in no decision made. We map the buying process, ending up with something that resembles Gartner’s famous “spaghetti” charts. The buying group has to deal with and align the priorities and agendas of each person involved, […]

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