Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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Knowledge Is Power, Shared Knowledge Is….

By David Brock | March 7, 2020

Knowledge is power. We try to accumulate as much knowledge as we can. It gives us deeper understanding, it gives us insight, it helps us learn things or become aware of things we may have missed. The more knowledge we have, the better prepared we might be in addressing challenges, recognizing new opportunities, and managing risk. Knowledge is power. But sometimes we wield knowledge and that power as a weapon. We keep the knowledge to ourselves, we exploit it to our advantage, we use it to disadvantage others–our people, our colleagues, our customers, our managers. There’s an interesting thing about […]

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Who’s Your Laziest Salesperson?

By David Brock | March 6, 2020

Increasingly, there is a tendency to measure our value by activities and our “busyness.” Managers set activity metrics, rigorously measuring performance against those metrics. Sales people rush from activity to activity, seldom having the time to meet their goals. We implement new technologies, enabling our people to increase the number of activities they can accomplish in a given period. And when those activities fail to achieve the outcomes we want, we just increase the activity requirements. The thinking is always, “we will produce more results if we just do more….” Yet the market data shows year after year of declining […]

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Committed To Failing

By David Brock | March 4, 2020

We have very confused attitudes and beliefs about failure and failing. In sales and marketing, specifically, this confusion is somewhat ironic, since failure is such a large part of what we do. Recently I wrote about a terribly dangerous view about failure: “Making It Safe To Fail, Hogwash!” There’s a lot of social pscho-babble on failure, the thinking parallels the thinking that, “everyone gets a trophy, win, lose, just show up….., it’s the effort that counts!” I, also, suggested a different perspective in, “Making It Safe To Succeed.” This post will, for the time being, wrap up my temper tantrum […]

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Making It Safe To Succeed

By David Brock | March 1, 2020

Recently, I wrote, “Making It Safe To Fail, Hogwash!” It was a rant about the social psycho-babble around failure. We seem to have a culture that revels in failure–that is encouraging people to experiment, learn, innovate, and grow through “making it safe to fail.” Yet, we never talk about the concept of “making it safe to succeed.” Some might think it’s the other side of the same coin. I actually think it’s quite different. Think about it for your own organization, for a moment. As a leader, are you doing everything possible to make it safe for your people to […]

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Making It Safe To Fail? Hogwash!

By David Brock | February 27, 2020

I read an article from a very large consulting company entitled, “Have you made it safe to fail?” Frankly, it’s social psycho-babble. It’s the equivalent of saying, “everyone gets a trophy, regardless of whether they win or lose.” The article will draw eyeballs, but I think they miss the point, consequently much of the value around failure. The authors do, correctly state, that failure is part of the learning process. Something which too many fail to recognize and execute. Too often, we tend to punish failure and we fail to understand what caused the failure, taking corrective action. The authors, […]

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If Cold Calling Is Dead, Why Is The Topic So Hot?

By David Brock | February 26, 2020

Someone tried to suck me into a LinkedIn discussion on cold calling today. The article declaring cold calling dead was written by a colleague I deeply respect, and I have no disagreement with the points in her article. By the time another friend tried to bait me into diving into the discussion, it had been live for 18 hours, there were over 75 reactions and over 52 comments, with many very smart and dull people weighing in. Thankfully, I chose not to dive into this masturbatory debate. But I’ll comment here but not to reach a conclusion. There will be […]

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