Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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Apples And Oranges

By David Brock | December 8, 2019

Let’s imagine that for some reason you want to evaluate the performance of apples. You might develop criteria and compare apples to those criteria. You might do a comparison, for example looking and apples and oranges. You’d immediately observe apples are relatively thin skinned fruit, at least relative to oranges. Possibly, every pound of oranges produces more juice than a pound of apples. When you bite into an apple you get that resounding crunch, biting into an orange you just get a squish. You’d observe it’s difficult to use oranges in making a pie. You could come up with a […]

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Keys To Success In The New Year!

By David Brock | December 5, 2019

December is always ripe for prognostication and advice for success in the New Year. Pundits, consultant, vendors of Sales/Marketing automation tools will offer endless insight and advice on how to beat your goals, how to be successful, how to have a fast start for the New Year. Already, I’m seeing articles on, “Do these 5 things….. The 10 critical success factors….. These technologies are critical to customer engagement in 2020…” I’m no different, I’m jumping into the fray with the secrets to sales success in 2020. I’ve spent some time thinking about the keys to success, the secrets that will […]

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FUD-Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt

By David Brock | December 4, 2019

FUD has been an element, unfortunately, of sales and selling probably since the very first transaction between Adam and Eve. It’s been a tactic many exploit in competitive situations, perhaps the thinking being creating FUD within the customer about the competitive vendor, or creating FUD around making a decision not in favor of us. Early in my career, there was a saying (I think more mythology), “No one ever got fired for making an IBM decision….” Hank Barnes recently addressed this with a terrific post, “Revisiting Thoughts On FUD (It’s Time For A New Approach).” It provoked my thoughts about […]

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Role Clarity

By David Brock | December 4, 2019

Over the past few years, I’ve noticed a disturbing trend on role clarity. By that, at the base level, I mean, “What’s my job?” There’s an odd dynamic that goes on, at all levels. We get so busy in the activities we do in our jobs that we don’t understand what our jobs are. Of course, we have some idea–if we are sales people, we have to get out and sell, we have to make our quotas. If we are SDRs, we have to follow our scripts, make our numbers for outbound/inbound calls, create SQLs or SALs. If we are […]

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Data, Data Everywhere….

By David Brock | December 1, 2019

“Water water everywhere, Nor a drop to drink…” is a famous line from Coleridge’s “The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner.” At a recent lunch, my friend, Tim Ohai, and I were talking about problems we see with too many managers. Today’s tools provide sales people and leaders more data than we have ever had before. We can measure about every activity we undertake, every engagement with our customers. We have endless pipeline, performance, customer activity, competitive and other data. We have data going back years, enabling us to understand shifts or changes over time. Analytics and AI enable new ways […]

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“The Art Of The Bluff”

By David Brock | November 29, 2019

I was stunned and appalled to read an article sponsored by a major sales publication promoting the “Art of the bluff.” The author was cautious to highlight the negative connotations around bluffing–the feeling of manipulation, the proximity to lying, and the knife edge a “bluffer’ must walk to avoid lying.  Trying as hard as I could, I sought something redeeming in the article and that I could learn.  I couldn’t find a thing, in fact the article was dangerously out of touch with modern buying/selling, portraying sales as a battle between the buyer and the seller, with each seeking advantage […]

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