Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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Bit And Pieces, September 29, 2019

By David Brock | September 29, 2019

Just a quick book recommendation, On Tyranny, Twenty Lessons From The Twentieth Century, by Timothy Snyder. It’s a fascinating read, not just because of his take on current politics. He looks at how the roots of what we see happening in the US (and the world) can be analyzed against similar things that have happened in global politics throughout the past century. But, looking beyond that, I was fascinated about the applicability of his lessons outside of politics–to business, and to our social interactions. For me, applying those lessons to how businesses grow and thrive, what drives them to succeed […]

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I’m Authentic Because I’m Telling You I’m Authentic

By David Brock | September 27, 2019

Warning To Readers: You may want to be careful in reading this. Apparently, I’m inauthentic. I have been identified as inauthentic for the sole reason that I have written a book. It’s somewhat a surprise to me, I didn’t think writing a book caused me to become inauthentic. I worry about the thousands of authors, probably the majority of which believed in their own authenticity. While many books I read, I disagree with, somehow, I seldom doubt the authenticity of the authors. If you are choosing to continue to read, knowing that I am inauthentic, I’ll wonder out loud about […]

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Leadership, Patiently Impatient

By David Brock | September 27, 2019

I got a call from one of the most inspiring leaders I know: “Dave, I’m so frustrated, I have a vision for what we could be doing to grow the business, I think we can achieve so much more than we are–we are making our numbers. But we can do so much more, I can’t get people to move forward!” What this leader faced is, probably, the root challenge of all leaders. Leaders tend to have a great vision, sometimes an inspiring vision, and the challenge is, “How do we get everyone in the organization share that vision with the […]

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By David Brock | September 22, 2019

We and our customers live in worlds of paradox, uncertainty, confusion, complexity, overwhelm, overload, and constant change. Organizationally and individually, we are afraid of missing something—FOMO. We constantly move from one thing to another and then to the next. We see the latest technique, strategy du jour, technology, competitor and want to do the same thing. We watch competitors and others, worried they may be onto something, and that we might miss an opportunity. And they are doing the same with us. At the same time, we are plagued by Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt – FUD. We worry about making mistakes, […]

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On Innovation

By David Brock | September 20, 2019

Innovation is important. We all know there is a limit to doing the same old things, over and over. Even though we may do them in greater volume or greater velocity, over time they become…….well old…..and not very effective. So we struggle to innovate. We think of the great new revolutionary or disruptive idea. We reflect on people like Thomas Edison and his inventions (like the light bulb), or the invention of the internal combustion engine, or Al Gore inventing the internet (sorry, I couldn’t resist). We tend to think of “innovation” as radically new and disruptive. These type of […]

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“I’m Drowning In Reviews!”

By David Brock | September 16, 2019

Recently, I was speaking to a number of sales execs. We were talking about how to improve the performance of their teams. One manager in frustration said: “I’m drowning in reviews, it seems I spend all my time in deal, account, pipeline, forecast, prospecting, and other reviews. And I’m falling further behind, I feel I have to review every deal, every account, everything—I can’t possibly do it! I feel so out of control!” This broke the dam in the conversation with this management team, all jumped in stating that they felt out of control, they didn’t know what was going […]

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