Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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Partners In EXCELLENCE Blog

By David Brock | August 13, 2019

Those of you who get blog updates from me in your email or news consolidator may have noticed some very strange behavior from my blog today. First, my apologies for any inconvenience. Second, an explanation and some reflection: This morning, part of my routine is to check the blog to make sure the latest post is published. I usually have them scheduled for publication about midnight PDT. When I looked at it this morning, all my posts had been wiped out! There are almost 2400 posts, spanning 10 years. All of them were gone. Fortunately, I’m paranoid about things like […]

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Do Your Salespeople Really Understand Their Numbers?

By David Brock | August 12, 2019

Every year, I meet with thousands of sales people and sales managers. Inevitably the conversations focus on sales performance and achieving their goals. We try to help them understand the leverage points in achieving their goals, and how that drives their focus and activities. We start talking about the “numbers.” No, not quotas, but the leading numbers that indicate whether they are doing enough of the right things, with the right people, at the right time. In the conversations, we end up talking a lot about pipeline, prospecting, and select activity metrics. Most are very polite, as we talk about […]

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The Lowest Form Of Sales Management

By David Brock | August 11, 2019

Sadly, too many managers seem to mindlessly echo the same meaningless mantra from some hopelessly outdated sales manager playbook. The answer to every performance issue seems to be simply, “Do more!” The “more” that’s identified is usually more of something that has worked in the past, without assessing whether it is still the right course of action. As a result, we get mindless guidance like, “Just do more prospecting,” “Just get more opportunities in your pipeline,” “Win more,” “Spend more time [doing something],” and on and on. And when those don’t work, we know the answer, “Just do more……..” Inevitably, […]

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Sales Is Simple, Buying Isn’t!

By David Brock | August 8, 2019

I succumbed to a certain amount of narcissism (as I often do) in my post: Sales Is Simple, Simple Is Not Easy. The problem with my post, as accurate as it may have been, is that I did what too many of us do, focusing on ourselves–sales people, sales leaders, and selling. We all do that, we focus on what we do. We get into conversations about how we do what we do better. I don’t want to dismiss those conversations, they are important. But starting with what we do is the wrong starting point. We always have to start […]

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What If We Talked About Our Customers?

By David Brock | August 7, 2019

Recently, the CEO of a company shared the agenda for his management offsite meeting. Agenda: – Review key metrics (30 min) – Discuss service growth plan (30 min) – Discuss 2020 product vision (30 min) – Discuss pricing / packaging (6 hours) 😂 – Harbor boat ride (90 minutes) I see dozens of these every year. Some for meetings I’ve been invited to participate in, some from my coaching clients. They’re not much different than the one outlined above. Yes, some of the specifics are different, but generally, they focus on a lot of internal business topics. The one thing […]

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Do We Need Sales People Any Longer?

By David Brock | August 6, 2019

Recently, I was at a meeting hosted by my friends at Gartner. Scott Gillum made a provocative suggestion, “Do we need outbound sales any longer?” He followed that with a post. As I reflected on the question, I think we can only discover the answer by changing the question, “Why do customers need sales people any more?” Increasingly, the answer appears to be “They don’t!” We see all sorts of evidence supporting this. Customers are relying, increasingly, on other sources of information. They have solution provider web sites, influencers, referral sources, and other sorts of channels to learn about new […]

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