Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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Win Fast, Lose Faster

By David Brock | July 28, 2019

Losing fast, having the courage to walk away from a deal that you are highly unlikely to win is tough for everyone. But it’s actually one of the important things you can do to drive your sales performance. In the past 4 weeks, I’ve walked away from 2 deals. The first, I knew I could win. It was a very small deal, but the CEO was putting constraints around the project that were unreasonable, they hampered our ability to produce the results he expected. I couldn’t shift his opinions. Sure, I could have taken his money and delivered what he […]

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Do Just This One Thing!

By David Brock | July 25, 2019

Imagine coaching a basketball player, “All you have to do is master your foul shots, they are the single most important thing to win games.” All of us, even those who don’t play basketball, would say this is ridiculous coaching. We would argue you have to master everything—dribbling, passing, inside and outside shots, defense, playmaking, and on and on. We immediately recognize that to be a great basketball player, you have to master everything. Yet when we look at advice on on selling, it’s completely opposite. We are deluged with “Just do this one thing……” That thing, is whatever the […]

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What Is Networking?

By David Brock | July 24, 2019

In the “old days,” networking seemed to be about meeting people, learning about them, building a bit of a relationship. There was value in networking. Often, our networking may have been a passing meeting, a chance to get to know someone for a few moments, have an interesting conversation, only to move on in our separate directions. Sometimes, it led to something more substantive, perhaps some follow up conversations, perhaps a deeper relationship. Sometimes, perhaps at the most crass level, it provided a context or reference point to being able to “sell them something.” We’ve all experience “networking,” where the […]

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Goals And Activities Are Different!

By David Brock | July 23, 2019

I had asked a coaching client to put together a 90 day plan, outlining his goals over the next 30-60-90 days. The plan was very thoughtful. He outlined a lot of important activities. As we spoke, I said, “I asked for your goals, but you identified activities. How do you know those activities help you achieve your goals, how do you know if you’ve achieved your goals?” He’s not alone, whether I’m working with the top executives looking at organizational goals/challenges/problems; or sales people improving their results; or coaching individuals; we mistakenly define activities as our goals. Some that current […]

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“What Could Go Wrong?”

By David Brock | July 22, 2019

It seems to be human nature that we don’t want to think about what could go wrong. Particularly in sales, we are continually optimistic, we want to be positive, particularly with our customers. So why would we ever want to talk about what could go wrong? Particularly when we are in the middle of the customer buying process? But it’s an important discussion with our customers, primarily because it helps them think differently and more completely. Doing this creates great value, because it is actually focused on the customer success. It may sound odd, but if we only focus on […]

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What Do Uber Drivers And SDRs Have In Common?

By David Brock | July 21, 2019

Think of this post more as a thought experiment or even a wild ass prognistication. What do Uber drivers and SDRs have in common? Let’s look at Uber first. Uber has made it very clear, autonomous vehicles are their future. There are a lot of reasons for this. Autonomous vehicles eliminate much of one of Uber’s biggest challenges: Consistency of customer experience. Even though Uber tries very hard to create a great customer experience, the majority of it is influenced by the drivers. I’ve been fortunate, in the hundreds of Uber rides I’ve had, fewer than a handful have been […]

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