Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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“I Think There’s An Opportunity To Work Together…”

By David Brock | July 11, 2019

The LinkedIn invitation started with: “Dave, I think there is an opportunity for us to work together….” We all know what that is code for, the individual simply wants to sell me something. We use all these words to try and mask our objective. We might “work together,” or we might “partner,” or one of my favorites, “let’s collaborate.” We use them to, not so thinly, disguise our real intention, “We want your money!” Why do we think our prospects are stupid, why do we think we are distracting them from our true intent–we want to interest them in buying […]

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Our Customers Are Voting With Their Time

By David Brock | July 10, 2019

Several years ago, Gartner research on how customers allocate their time in the buying process indicated about 17% of their time is meeting with sales people—all sales people, not just us. We just get a fraction of that 17%. (I’d be interested in seeing an update to that research, I suspect it will be less than 17%.) Customers are looking for, and finding, answers in other places. In part, this makes huge sense, if they can more efficiently find the answers they need through digital research, then they are more efficient (perhaps not more effective) in their buying process. But […]

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Are You The Salesperson Creating Value For Your Customer?

By David Brock | July 9, 2019

I was talking to a team of sales people about engaging their customers with insight and getting them to think about their businesses in different ways. They happened to sell supply chain management software. The software, like most other supply chain software solutions enabled their customers to better understand and manage inventory, orders, quality, scheduling and other things with their supplier. We had developed some unique insights based on benchmarks with customers and supported by case studies. As we were talking about what these meant to the customer and how to engage the customer in the conversation, a sales person […]

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When Less Is More

By David Brock | July 8, 2019

It seems the universal answer to every sales performance answer is to do more. We’re chastised to close more deals, get more into the pipeline, spend more time with customers, spend more time–period, just do more. Regardless of where the challenge is, whether it’s our close rates, our average deal value, our sales cycle, our ability to create value, our pipeline volumes; the dominant solution is to focus on the top of the pipeline, prospecting. And the dominant approach is to just do more prospecting! Virtually, every guru has the answer, you have to prospect more. Whatever you are doing […]

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Underperforming Our Potential

By David Brock | July 8, 2019

At the outset, I’ll apologize. This post is likely to rub some executives the wrong way. The premise is that many organizations are under performing their potential—possibly by huge amounts. The immediate reaction from many might be, “We’ve been beating our numbers year after year! How can you say we are under performing our potential?” First, let’s look at the “number.” The number is always somewhat arbitrary. Ideally, it’s arrived at by both a bottoms up and tops down assessment of what we might achieve for a given investment in sales and marketing resources. It’s always an iterative process, sometimes […]

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Our Plunging Sales Discourse

By David Brock | July 6, 2019

Preface: Sometimes holiday weekends give me the chance to sit back, reflect, looking at things a little more broadly or philosophically than normally. I’m, also, prone to wandering a little, so forgive me. Perhaps this is more for me than you, but I hope you get value, as well. I suppose it’s naive to think the level and quality of discourse on selling be any different than that we see in society in general. Regardless, where one lives in the world, what political or social affiliations/beliefs one has, thoughtful discourse is virtually non-existent. Instead of listening, learning (even if to […]

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