Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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Are Your Sales People “Organizationally Nimble?”

By David Brock | May 26, 2019

When we talk about critical skills and competencies of great B2B sales people, one seldom hears about organizational nimbleness or ability. Increasingly, however, this capability is critical for sales success. Organizational nimbleness is the ability to understand how organizations work and to navigate them to get things done. There’s a lot of evidence that shows the importance of this skill: More people are involved in the consensus decision-making process. Over the past 5 years, we’ve gone from 5.4 to 10.2 according to Gartner. Still more are involved, indirectly, in influencing the decisions the buying team makes.Customers struggle to make a […]

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When “A Players” Fail

By David Brock | May 23, 2019

I’ve been participating in a great discussion on the importance of talent. It’s an area that doesn’t get the attention needed and is critical to organizational performance. Too few managers pay the right attention to talent, both recruiting, onboarding, developing, and retaining the right people. As a result, the costs of this inattention to talent is millions to hundreds of millions of dollars. Talent is one of the most critical issues impacting sales and organizational performance in the coming years! Most organizations do a terrible job in recognizing this. Having said that, solving the talent gap is not the only […]

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“Forwarding This Marketing Email Is Strictly Prohibited By Law….”

By David Brock | May 23, 2019

It’s been a while since I’ve whined about the stupid prospecting emails I get. I could literally post every day–even if I set the criteria “I’ll only post unsolicited marketing emails from ‘Global 1000’ corporations.” Today, I received an intriguing email from a Fortune 50 corporation. I’ll overlook: The fact that our company is already a customer, using some of the services they are trying to get me to buy. The absence of any personalization other than “Dear Business Executive,” (It’s such an endearing greeting.) The 263 words filled with no fewer than 20 meaningless acronyms, technical phrases, that required […]

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Customers Are Irresponsible When They Don’t Answer Our Prospecting Calls!

By David Brock | May 21, 2019

I’m following a fascinating discussion in LinkedIn. You should read it here. The author makes a fair point that executives must constantly look for opportunities to learn, improve, and grow their businesses. He poses the premise they should do this by answering every prospecting call they get–since sales people presenting their solutions will give the customer insights and ideas to improve their business. He goes further to imply execs are being irresponsible in not answering every prospecting call. Theoretically, this makes some sense. Sales people can be a great source of ideas and insights about business. They can and should […]

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“Is It OK To Manipulate For Good Purposes?”

By David Brock | May 19, 2019

James Muir published an outstanding post, “Is it ok to manipulate clients for their own good?” It’s a must read. Basically, James describes a conversation with a sales person who feels it’s OK to manipulate and pressure a customer because that sales person knows how happy the customer will be with the solution. Most of you would, hopefully, find this premise not only arrogant, but preposterous. The logical extension of this behavior is this sales person will manipulate and pressure every customer–because why would he be selling to a customer that would be unhappy with a product? Some might think, […]

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“Me, Myself, And I” — An Investment Opportunity

By David Brock | May 18, 2019

As a disclaimer, there is no redeeming lesson in this post. Just some Sunday humor and observations about the world. If you are looking for deep insight, stop here, if you want a chuckle–and an investment opportunity, read further. About a year ago, Kookie and I were visiting Manhattan. Kookie was raised there (well, the Bronx), and we lived there for about 15 years. Our usual custom, on Sunday’s, is to get together at a favorite restaurant, usually on the West Side, with friends. Conversations wander all over the place. Since Kookie is a professional chef, that morning’s brunch included […]

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