Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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Device Attention Disorder

By David Brock | April 26, 2019

I was backing out of a parking space. All of a sudden, the car starts beeping then slams to a stop. Someone was crossing behind me, I was oblivious–I hadn’t been paying attention. My car has all sorts of things that are supposed to be “helpful” to me. There are cameras, sensors, radar everywhere. In addition to the back up protection, if I start to drift from my lane, it corrects me. If I come up to fast on the car in front of me, it slows me down. It provides warnings if it senses I’m not attentive, and on […]

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I’ll Use Whatever “F**king” Language I Want And Other Self Centered Behaviors

By David Brock | April 26, 2019

Language, that is the use of foul language, inevitably comes up on posts in my news feed. Mostly, I tune them out, since they tend to be expressions of narcissism. But I read a post, today, about someone going through yet another rationalization about their language choice. His argument to use the language he wanted included growing up in a “rough environment,” and that it was just the way he felt most comfortable expressing himself. Ironically, he self censored those words in the video justifying his language. It had me rolling on the floor, laughing. “Tell me again, what do […]

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What’s Next? What’s Your Deal Strategy?

By David Brock | April 24, 2019

In any given year, I may be involved in doing 100’s of deal or opportunity reviews. Inevitably, I end up asking many of the same questions: What are the most important things the customer needs to do next in moving through their buying process? How will you help them? What are the next most critical things you need to be doing on this opportunity? The responses are interesting, mostly disappointing. Often, it’s some sales person staring at me, thinking, “We’re paying you for this????” But the response is, “Well clearly I have to get a PO as quickly as possible!” […]

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Perhaps Artificial Intelligence Really Is

By David Brock | April 23, 2019

I’m almost embarrassed to write this post. Having co-founded an early AI based software company, I have seen both the great power and many of the challenges in effectively leveraging these technologies. However, I often despair when I read much of the literature and sale pitches about exploiting AI and ML technologies. Too often, the way these technologies are exploited focus on the artificial and not the intelligence in “artificial intelligence.” Most of it is naive. Too many don’t understand how to effectively leverage AI. They don’t recognize what it takes to train and implement these systems. Or they leverage […]

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Sales Results: Principles Versus Techniques/Tactics

By David Brock | April 22, 2019

How do we create sustained results as sales professionals? After all, our jobs are: Create differentiated value with our customers. Execute our company business strategies with our customers. Achieve/exceed our goals and objectives. There are thousands of “experts” providing advice to sales people on how to best do our jobs. Thousands of posts and books, give the latest insights, techniques, principles to “help” sales people. The web is loaded with titles like: “20 [choose the number you want] tips/techniques to get the customer to……” “Just do this one thing for guaranteed sales success…..” “Here’s the quota busting playbook for success […]

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“May I Send You A Free Proposal”

By David Brock | April 22, 2019

I got an intriguing email today. The subject line grabbed my attention–though I suspect not for the reasons the sales person intended: “May I send you a free proposal?” It got my mind spinning, Who pays for proposals? Is the sender so arrogant, or clueless to think that an offer for a free proposal would catch my interest because it stands our from all the other offers for proposals that I get? It’s also interesting, this person has the arrogance to think they can give me a proposal, without ever talking to me and knowing what I want to do, […]

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