Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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First Impressions Count!

By David Brock | February 19, 2019

One of the biggest issues we hear from everyone involved in sales and marketing is capturing the customer attention. Whether it’s that first communication, an email, text, or social engagement, that first phone conversation, or that first meeting. Getting that first contact or engagement is something nearly everyone struggles with. Given the difficulty we have with these first contacts, one would expect we would be driven to create the very best first impression we possibly could. After all, if we don’t, it’s highly unlikely that we will have the opportunity for subsequent meetings or building relationships with customers. We know […]

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Sales Person As Sense Maker

By David Brock | February 18, 2019

The world, both our customers and our own, is best characterized by turbulence. By this, I mean each of us, at least if we are paying attention, is pummeled by information overload/overwhelm, massive disruption, escalating change, increasingly confusing choices, increasing complexity, transformation, time compression, risk, uncertainty, and distraction. Too often, our customers are struggling to cope, to keep up, to understand, often to survive. At the same time, they are trying to learn, to grow, to improve, to achieve. In the face of all of this, how can we create the greatest value with our customers, how can we be […]

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The “Voices In Our Ears”

By David Brock | February 18, 2019

I have to confess a weakness to spy/thriller movies. They are great Saturday evening fun. On “date night,” I try to encourage my wife we should see one, she usually finds something else . The cool/high tech spies, often, have an earpiece. There is always someone at “control,” telling them what’s happening, advising there is a bad guy around the corner and help will be 5 minutes to late. Where would Tom Cruise be without Ving Rhames whispering into his ear? At the same time, I also think, “Isn’t that voice in the spy’s ear annoying, doesn’t it distract him […]

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Stop Chasing Customers You Can’t Help!

By David Brock | February 10, 2019

I’m often asked the fastest way to improve sales productivity. The answer is simple and should be obvious, “Stop Chasing Customers/Prospects You Can’t Help!” That statement is likely to elicit a resounding “Dugghhhh!” The reality, however, is that sales people waste too much time chasing customers they can’t help or worst, customers that don’t want/need their help. Every day, I get literally 100’s of emails, and at least 20 calls from sales people wanting to sell me something. Most don’t care about what our company does, they just believe they can “help me,” pitching their products/services. Most pitches are irrelevant […]

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My Single Best Productivity Hack!

By David Brock | February 9, 2019

As you know, I’m continually focused on getting a little better every day. I go through my ups and downs, but am generally making great progress. I’m almost embarassed to say this, I’ve just rediscovered something, it’s my single best productivity hack and has done amazing things for me. A little background. I’m rarely in my office, but when I am, I’ve designed a workspace to focus on maximizing my ability to focus and be productive. For example, I have an office with a beautiful view, but I’ve arranged my workspace so I look into a corner of my office […]

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Stop Focusing On SAL’s!

By David Brock | February 7, 2019

SALs (Sales Accepted Leads) and the resultant SQLs (Sales Qualified Leads) are the Holy Grail of Marketing and Sales. Everything we do seems focused both on improving the quality and quantity of these. The thinking is if we get the right volume, our pipeline problems go away, we easily make our numbers. There are a lot of huge leaps in this thinking. One is the assumption that sales people are maximizing their win rates and deal values, providing great leadership, creating great value for the customers. But that’s not what this post is about. The big issue is, should we […]

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