Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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Never Cease Trying To Be The Best You Can Be–That’s Under Your Control

By David Brock | November 21, 2018

Every once in a while, I have a truly outstanding week.  These are weeks where my clients and I take on big challenges and tough issues, trying to figure out what courses of actions should be taken.  Last week, I was with several clients, one in luxury real estate, two in high technology.  Each is a top performer, not just within their own industries or regions, but they are viewed as top performers by those in other sectors. As an example, I was running a planning workshop with one.  Sitting as observers in the workshop were the senior sales executives […]

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Productive Conflict

By David Brock | November 16, 2018

Over the past week, I’ve been involved in several conversations that have the same underlying theme.  It’s basically around the concept of Productive Conflict. I believe this is a critical concept–both in how we engage our customers and in driving change internally.  At the same time, I believe it is misunderstood, avoided, and executed very poorly with horrible results. As sales people and/or as business leaders, we are responsible for driving change.  Whether it is with/for our customers our within our organizations. Change always creates conflicts, though we may not recognize them as such.  Why change, change to what, change […]

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The Sales Jigsaw Puzzle

By David Brock | November 14, 2018

Every once in a while, I like to do a jigsaw puzzle.  It’s nice to do in the evening, no distraction from devices, there’s the great tactile feeling as I pick up a new piece, trying to figure out where it fits.  Then there’s the great reward at the end, once all the pieces are in place, you finally see the whole picture and it makes sense. Sometimes, I think selling, and all the things sales people must do to be successful, is something like a jigsaw puzzle.  It’s often confusing and difficult to understand each of the pieces/parts until […]

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What Is The Purpose Of Buying?

By David Brock | November 14, 2018

I can imagine the raised eyebrows, the questioning expressions, and the thought, “What the hell is he talking about now?  What kind of esoteric journey is he dragging us on?” Some might glibly say, “Well to solve a problem….”  Which is correct, kind of…. But most sales people seldom think about the purpose of buying.  A customer wants to buy, sales people immediately leap to selling, knowing the purpose of selling is to get an order.* At best, we focus on helping the customer buy, but seldom pause to think about the purpose of buying. Buying doesn’t exist in a […]

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You Don’t Fix Pipeline Problems In The Pipeline!

By David Brock | November 13, 2018

One of the biggest mistakes sales managers and sales people make is spending too much time focusing on the health of the pipeline. Managers are constantly holding pipeline reviews.  They are constantly asking, “What’s changed since we reviewed the pipeline yesterday?” (You can see how tedious these constant reviews are, particularly if you have a long sales cycle (anything over 3 months).)  Inevitably, there are problems with the pipeline.  There’s the universal managerial answer to these issues, “You need to get more in the pipeline!” “Well yeah, but…….” Turns out the advice to get more into the pipeline isn’t really […]

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Scaling “Authentic Conversations”

By David Brock | November 13, 2018

I just received one of those emails.  I’m on a distribution list, I’ve been invited to hear a webinar on “How do you scale authentic communications.”  Among the topics they will be covering are:  “how to automate meaningful and timely follow up,” and “how much time is too much time spent on personalizing emails………” (Interestingly, the only personalization in this email was my name. Nothing else was specific to our company or our priorities) Huuughhhh………????? Authenticity at scale?????? In fairness, I’m not going to sign up for this webinar, so I have no idea what this vendor will present.  Perhaps […]

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