Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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Solution Buying…….

By David Brock | July 31, 2018

Silly me, I always thought we were supposed to sell solutions. That is, as sales people, we were supposed to understand our customers and their businesses–not in the abstract, but very specifically.  What are Christy’s goals, dreams?  What is she accountable for?  What issues stand in the way of her achieving these?  What happens when she doesn’t achieve them? Likewise, I thought we were supposed to understand the customer’s businesses, again, not in the abstract, but very specifically.  What are the goals/priorities of Christy’s managers, all the way up to the top of the company?  How is the company doing […]

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Beware Of Sales Enablement Experts Prospecting

By David Brock | July 30, 2018

Every day, each of us gets dozens of horrendously bad prospecting emails.  My friend, Hank Barnes, of Gartner has made a regular #FridayFails series featuring his worst of the week. Fortunately, spam filters take care of most of them, but some filter through anyway.  I’ve limited my writing about these–there’s just too much bad material that it gets repetitive.  But I can’t refrain from writing about a certain category of prospecting letters.  It’s those written by self proclaimed experts in sales, marketing, sales enablement, prospecting, content. I write about these for several reasons.  First, even people who know better do […]

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Buyer Efficiency

By David Brock | July 27, 2018

There are thousands of posts, hundreds of tools, hundreds of books focusing on “sales efficiency.”  Sales efficiency is important.  We want our people to accomplish as much as possible in as little time as possible.  (As a side note, focusing on sales efficiency without first focusing on sales effectiveness will do nothing more than creating crap at the speed of light.) The problem with the exclusive focus on sales efficiency, is that it focuses on us, what we do, and how we do it.  But it ignores the customer–ironically, much of what we do to be efficient, makes the buyer […]

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We Have To Have The Courage To Let Our People Do Their Jobs!

By David Brock | July 25, 2018

Too often, as managers, we get in the way of our people doing their jobs–either purposefully/intrusively, accidentally, being well-intentioned, or through inattention. Whichever way this manifests itself, it stands in the way of us doing our jobs–that is to maximize the performance of each person on our team.  Failing to do this, means we don’t achieve our goals in the short or long term. We can’t do our people’s jobs–the numbers go against us.  We do them, our companies, a disservice if we don’t enable them, hold them accountable, and let them do their jobs. But too often we don’t […]

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Controlling Your Destiny

By David Brock | July 23, 2018

For those who may not have already guessed, I’m a control freak.  It can be a terrible characteristic if it is manifested in micro-management, constantly being in tell mode, not listening.  Over years, I’ve spent a lot of time looking at what I can control–and makes sense to control, and letting go. As much as we like to think we can control things, there is so much beyond our control. We can’t control our customers or their buying process.  We can only seek to guide it, influence it, help our customers navigate the buying process, but they have to control […]

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The Questions Sales People Ask?

By David Brock | July 19, 2018

Questioning is critical for sales people.  Every sales training program focuses on the importance of questioning. We ask questions to qualify. We ask questions to understand need. We ask questions to learn requirements. We ask questions to understand alternatives the customer is considering. We ask questions about the decision making process. We ask questions to assess customer understanding/knowledge of our products. We ask questions to understand their perception of our proposed solution. We even have questions we ask to close. To help sales people, we develop endless playbooks, battlecards, and scripts with questions they have to ask. But too often, […]

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