Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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Connecting The Dots

By David Brock | March 20, 2018

At executive levels, we are fond of developing new strategies and priorities for the business.  We spend countless hours in developing strategies to change our business, to drive growth, to expand into new segments, to change the value we create for our customers, becoming much more important to them. At some point we start rolling out our strategies—we talk to analysts, proudly talking about the new strategies/directions and how they will drive growth.  We reposition ourselves in the markets through a variety of communications within the markets, to our customers, and others in the ecosystem.  We develop change initiatives, new […]

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Addressing Performance Issues!

By David Brock | March 19, 2018

Managers are responsible for maximizing the performance of the people on their team.  It seems such a simple and obvious observation, but one that doesn’t seem to be executed. Many managers struggle with understanding this, some retort, “My job is to make the numbers!”  But when I ask, “How do you do that,” they start stammering and waving their arms.  While it would seem obvious that the only way they can make their numbers is through maximizing the performance of people on their team, the conversations are often long an circuitous in getting there. Some managers interpret this differently.  “In […]

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“Water, Water Everywhere…..”

By David Brock | March 12, 2018

In the Rime Of The Ancient Mariner, Samuel Taylor Coleridge writes, “Water water everywhere Nor a drop to drink.” Sometimes, I think there is a sales version of this, “Information, information everywhere, But we struggle so to think….” The amount of information and data available to each of us is overwhelming. There are thousands of blogs/articles/eBooks/white papers on sales and marketing.  Any aspect of professional (and even unprofessional selling) is covered in any number of articles.  Yet, too many consistently do what they have always done, even though it isn’t working as well.  Rather than analyzing what works/what doesn’t too […]

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The Problem With Dashboards/Metrics

By David Brock | March 9, 2018

We all have our dashboards and key indicators.  We assess performance base on dial, meters, red/green/yellow lights. We sit at our desks going through mind numbing screens measuring everything that’s going on.  We labor extensively over Excel spreadsheets, doing analysis, building formulas, pivot tables, slicing and dicing data in many ways. We use these tools to identify challenge, problems, opportunities.  For example, win rates may be down, pipelines may be anemic, prospecting activity is down, sales cycles are increasing, average transaction values are declining, retention/renewals aren’t hitting target, onboarding ramp time is too long. The data helps us isolate problem […]

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The More We Know, The Less We Think We Know

By David Brock | March 8, 2018

I’ve been having a fascinating discussion with Charlie Green, Jill Konrath, and Andy Paul on something known as the Kruger-Dunning effect.  It’s a fascinating piece of research, published in 1999.  Here’s a short description of it: “People tend to hold overly favorable views of their abilities in many social and intellectual domains. The authors suggest that this overestimation occurs, in part, because people who are unskilled in these domains suffer a dual burden: Not only do these people reach erroneous conclusions and make unfortunate choices, but their incompetence robs them of the metacognitive ability to realize it.” In plainer English, […]

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No (Wo)Man Is An Island

By David Brock | March 6, 2018

John Donne penned a famous poem, No Man Is An Island, as part of his Devotions on Emergent Occasions.  Even in 1624, apparently there were problems with silo’s, self centeredness, and what the behaviors/mentalities that result. We tend to focus on ourselves, our jobs/goals/responsibilities. Whether we are a customer or whether we are in roles that serve customers, we tend to think of ourselves.  Yet none of us exist in isolation.  Our work is part of a continuum of work that enables our organizations to grow and achieve the overall objectives. We depend on others in order to get our […]

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