Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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Sales Enablement And Talent Management

By David Brock | January 8, 2018

Talent, that is attracting, growing/developing, retaining great talent is critical to sustained sales performance.  Surprisingly, talent management doesn’t get the necessary attention from sales management and sales enablement. Hold on, before you start hissing and throwing things at me…… Let me explain. Talent management must be a top priority for Sales Leaders/Management.  I’ve been on a rampage about this in a number of recent posts. Sales enablement can do a lot to help sales management with Talent Management.  It’s doing a lot already, providing training, tools, content to help develop sales people, and help them perform at the highest levels. […]

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What’s Your Bell Curve Look Like?

By David Brock | January 7, 2018

We tend to think about organizational performance in terms of “bell curves” or some sort of distribution curve.  The typical bell curve looks something like this: The performance of our people is on the X (horizontal) axis, the number of our people is on the Y (vertical) axis.  The bell curve typically has us thinking that we have a small number of high performers (the far right side of the curve) and a small number of poor performers (the left side of the curve) and the bulk of our people are medium performers. We may segment the bell curve to […]

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2018 Sales Management Critical Issues, Part 1

By David Brock | January 4, 2018

I’ll be doing a short series of posts on critical issues facing sales managers in 2018.  Before going further, for those of you who have followed me for some time, these issues are no different than critical issues of prior years.  But I’m seeing many of them achieving critical mass in terms of awareness and commitment to fix. Many might say, the critical issue is the same as it ha always been, making our numbers.  Actually, making our numbers is the outcome of addressing the critical issues that drive our ability to achieve the numbers. The first critical issue I’ll […]

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“My Outlook Is Money, And Money Is Money!”

By David Brock | January 4, 2018

My friend Keenan was on one of his rants on LinkedIn.  This particular rant was on really bad prospecting through LinkedIn.  It generate a huge amount of conversation (Jim, I would have chosen a different shirt 😉 ) I was struck by a number of comments arguing against Jim, basically saying anything goes.  One leaped out to me from a woman stating, “My outlook is money, and money is money!” I was stunned by that statement, but in reality, I suspect far too many sales people hold that view, but don’t express it.  There’s no telling whether this individual is […]

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“Old School Prospecting”

By David Brock | January 2, 2018

I’ve been working with a fascinating new client.  We’ve been looking at how to improve their prospecting results. It’s been a fascinating project, in some sense, I may be learning more from them than they have from me–but they seem excited about the changes we are introducing. First, a little background.  They wouldn’t be offended, but what they sell is about the furthest thing from being mission critical that one can imagine.  Companies won’t grow their revenue as a result of buying their products.  They won’t increase their market share, they won’t grow faster.  There will be some cost improvement, […]

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“Servant Salespersonship”

By David Brock | January 1, 2018

Some of the more cynical (or perhaps worn down) of you will misread the title, thinking, “Dave, we’re already slaves to our jobs, managers, companies.  What are you doing?” I’m really thinking about applying the principles and concepts of “Servant Leadership” to sales and our relationships with customers. Servant leadership concepts can be traced back millennia to philosophies in from Lao-Tzu, the Indian treatise, Arhashastra, the Bible, many of the Stoics, and others. The modern incarnation of these principles were first popularized by Robert Greenleaf in “The Servant As A Leader,” published in 1970.  Lots has been written about these […]

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