Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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Predictions For 2017!

By David Brock | December 31, 2017

Foreword:  Yes, you read the title right.  I originally wrote this on December 30, 2016.  I never published it.  Somehow it seemed a little futile. As I started thinking about this topic for 2018, I looked at this article.  As I had guessed one year ago, not much has changed. The state of sales and marketing hasn’t changed.  The topics that were “hot” a year ago, or more, are the same topics we are struggling with now, and will be the topics we will struggle with in the coming years.   Blog post for December 31, 2016: It’s that time […]

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By David Brock | December 29, 2017

As we often do, at this time of year, we take stock of where we are in our business and personal lives.  We look at what we’ve accomplished in the past year, and our goals for the coming year.  Some of us develop “resolutions.”  (I don’t.) I’ve been reflecting a lot on my personal performance and growth. While, from pure business outlook, things couldn’t be better.  We are involved in truly exciting projects with our clients, making an impact on their businesses and lives. Part of me feels as though we, or at least I have plateaued. Plateauing, I think […]

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Sales, Art, Science, Craft?

By David Brock | December 28, 2017

The article I wrote, Moving From Selling As An Art To Selling As A Science, has stirred up a lot of reaction in the various venues in which it’s appeared. There have been various comments, mostly supportive.  Many suggest, I think correctly, that sales is a blend of art and science.  Robert Racine added the great insight that professional selling is a blend of art, craft, and science. However, there continues to be a lot of flawed reasoning in these discussions.  (Mostly outside the direct comments to the referenced post.) Many argue the science side, but are focused on the […]

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Driving Change

By David Brock | December 26, 2017

We all struggle with change.  Most of the time it’s impatience with those around us who aren’t changing.  it may be our people, our customers, others in our organization. They struggle with change, they resist it, they get confused. Change is always tough, it threatens us, it puts us in unfamiliar situations.  We may be uncomfortable, we may not know what to do or how to do it.  We want to revert to what we know, we take comfort in the familiar–even though we know these things may be holding us back. Too often we forget that at the root […]

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Are Skills More Important Than Experience?

By David Brock | December 26, 2017

I was reading an article from yet another guru—my apologies, I’m really getting tired of guru’s—with the premise, Skills are more important than experience. To add credibility to his statement, he quoted Sheryl Sandberg of Facebook, but really took one statement out of an interview, removing the context that supported what she was saying. There’s some sense to that statement.  Having great skills is very important  (at least skills relevant to the role you are seeking to fill).  His argument, is that deep experience in an area doesn’t necessarily mean that you have the skills to perform.  And that a […]

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Clean Water Changes Everything

By David Brock | December 22, 2017

Those who have followed me for some time know this time of year, I shift my focus to a pet project:  Charity:Water, more specifically providing clean water to people in villages I will probably never see. I’ve been running annual campaigns to raise money for about 4 years.  These, along with donating a part of the profits from the sales of Sales Manager Survival Guide, have enabled us to raise over $40K, providing water to 1000’s of people in Africa and Southeast Asia. Once again, I’m asking you to contribute to Making A Difference 2017/2018.  If only for a moment, […]

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