Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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Whatever Happened To MBWA?

By David Brock | November 1, 2017

Decades ago, Tom Peters and Bob Waterman articulated the concept of MBWA–Management By Wandering Around in their classic book, In Search Of EXCELLENCE (Caps mine–EXCELLENCE must always be in caps!) The principle is that leaders must get away from their desks, their cloistered offices, and meeting rooms.  They must wander through their organizations, meet their customers and suppliers.  The reason this was/is important is that it’s so easy to get out of touch with what’s going on.  If we aren’t wandering around, we don’t have a good sense of what’s happening.  We don’t know what people’s views are, we don’t […]

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It’s Not About What Or How We Sell…..

By David Brock | October 31, 2017

How we define a problem inevitably constrains our solutions to the problem.  That’s why it’s so important to think about the problem we are trying to solve and defining it in a way that enables us to solve the problem in a meaningful way. As we address the issue, “How do we drive sales, how do we grow our business, how do we achieve our numbers,” depending on how we frame the issues/problems around revenue growth, we could be seriously constraining the solutions that are available to solve the problem. Most organizations frame the issue around, “What we sell.”  Inevitably, […]

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How Are You Different?

By David Brock | October 29, 2017

I’m constantly amazed at the “sameness” of the majority of the prospecting I see.  We inundate our prospects and customers with emails, social media outreaches, and phone calls that are virtually indistinguishable from those sent by everyone else. We blanket our prospects with one outreach after another.  In most, we are pitching our products or our companies.  We send the same, un-personalized emails, to 1000’s of targets.  We follow them with calls, again focusing on our interests, not the customers.’  We set our email systems to automatically cycle follow ups, usually something as unique as, “did you see my original […]

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We Claim To Be Data Driven, Yet We Ignore The Data

By David Brock | October 27, 2017

Recently, I heard someone say, “We claim to be data driven, yet we ignore the data.”  Nothing could be more true of much of what I see in the practice of sales and marketing. We are surrounded by data about what drives sales and marketing effectiveness.  Hundreds of market research reports, done by thoughtful researchers provide stunningly depressing news about sales and marketing performance.  Performance data from within our own organizations highlights challenges. Despite, all this data, too many organizations seem committed to doing the things that don’t work.  Yet doing them at an ever increasing cadence and intensity. I […]

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Dumbing Down The Sales Organization

By David Brock | October 25, 2017

Over the past several months, I’ve been on a bit of a rampage on sales and marketing automation tools.  Some of my friends in those companies might be thinking, “What’s gotten into you Dave?  Why are you turning your back on us?”  Others of you may think I’m from the stone ages, and should just crawl back into some cave and be quiet. In reality, I’m an advocate for leveraging tools and technology where we can achieve great gains in productivity, effectiveness, and customer engagement.  In the hands of great sales people, these tools have the potential of amplifying top sales […]

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Is Social Selling Missing The Digital Revolution?

By David Brock | October 23, 2017

Step back a little more than a century as electricity was being commercialized.  I’m sure in bars and meeting rooms, sales people and marketers were talking about how wonderful electricity was and what it could do to improve sales and marketing.  I can imagine conversations like: Sales person:  “We can now light up our displays at shows, so people can really see our products and how cool they are.  We could never do that with kerosene lamps or candlelight….” Marketing person:  “We no longer have to work in the dark, we can work longer hours, producing more content for you […]

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