Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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Would You Work For Elon?

By David Brock | December 12, 2022

There’s an interesting conversation on LinkedIn, Would You Work For Elon? The conversation is interesting, some folks commenting on the “rightness,” or “wrongness” of what Elon Musk is doing at Twitter or whether they could work at Twitter. There’s no “right” answer to this, it’s interesting to look at the different points of view. He has been very transparent, both in his statements about working at Twitter and what we know of Tesla and SpaceX. Working in any of his organizations is demanding, characterized by very hard work, vicious focus, long hours, high expectations of performance. He is very clear […]

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Emotions Are A Core Driver For B2B Buyers, What About Sellers?

By David Brock | December 8, 2022

We have suspected, for years, that B2B buyers make purchase decisions based on how they feel, rationalizing the decision with data supporting those decisions. Scott Gillum, has just published a fascinating piece of research that goes deeper, asking, “What creates these feelings/emotions, how do we address that?” It’s an important read, ‘Emotions’ don’t drive B2B purchase decisions, this does. But there is a different way to think about this article. It’s about human behavior, what drives engagement and what drives performance. Buyers don’t adapt certain behaviors just for B2B purchase decisions, this is the way they make decisions and what […]

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Moving Beyond Insight…..

By David Brock | December 7, 2022

We know insight is critical in engaging our customers, helping them think about their businesses differently. Our ability to discuss relevant insights can be very powerful in inciting customers to think differently, helping them commit to and manage change, helping them in their buying process. In complex B2B change initiatives, the issues and challenges are likely to be relatively new to our customers. They probably haven’t considered these types of changes before. If they have, it may have been years ago, and the world has changed. Any experience they have, may be very limited–perhaps experiences in other organizations, perhaps things […]

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On Sequences And “Touches”

By David Brock | December 6, 2022

The research tells us we need to be persistent in our outreaches to prospects and clients. To reach and engage them, we have to leverage multiple channels of engagement. Phone, email, social, texts, and other channels must be leveraged simultaneously to provoke a prospect–even a customer to respond. Data shows we often need to reach out over 15 times to catch the attention of prospects. Years ago, it used to be 7-10 outreaches, now it’s over 15, who knows where it will be next year. We’ve even created the “sequences” to provoke prospect engagement. The concept is powerful, building a […]

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And We Call This Progress?

By David Brock | December 6, 2022

This time of year, sometimes we look back to see what’s happened how things have changed and the progress we’ve made. Typically, we look at attainment of annual goals. Questions like, “Will we hit our numbers? Could we have done more or what cause us to miss? Have we built a stronger team, are we growing their ability to perform? What challenges did we face, how did we address them? Are we maximizing performance and productivity in the organization? These help us understand what has happened and how we responded. It also helps us think about what we want to […]

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The Problem With Inbound

By David Brock | December 1, 2022

We rely too much on Inbound leads to achieve our goals! Our prospecting strategies are dominated by creating Inbound demand that sellers respond to. Whether it’s emails, social visibility, SEO, or anything else, the focus is on getting buyers to take the initiative to reach us. Inevitably, inbound is never sufficient. We ramp up our outreach to drive more inbound activity–more of all of the above…… Then, reluctantly, we put in place some outbound activities. We create volumes of dials, scripts, sequences focused on, “buy my product.” Let’s set aside, for a moment the challenges we face with generating sufficient […]

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