Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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Have My Robot Talk To Yours!

By David Brock | June 22, 2017

Recently, I’ve become fascinated with Amazon’s “Alexa.”  I’m just playing with it, at this point, it’s really more of a novelty.  It’s actually easier to get up and turn a light on or off, or adjust the thermostat.  But I can see how Alexa and Apple, Google, Microsoft and other versions of it can become quite interesting. I’ve started training Alexa…. “Alexa, please make a dozen prospecting calls for me….  Make sure you’ve researched well, be sure to engage them, ask them to text me if they are interested in a deeper discussion…..” No, I’ve not gone off the deep […]

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Our Value Creation Starts Within Our Own Company

By David Brock | June 21, 2017

Recently, I wrote, “Sales People Don’t Have The Time To Create Value With Customers…” Clearly, this is unacceptable if we are to drive business results.  If we aren’t taking the time to create value with customers, then customers have no reason to waste their time with us. In the post, I suggested sales people don’t know how to create value in the time they are taking.  Even going so far to suggest sales people don’t know how to create value. I’m sure many people read the post and started leaping for solutions.  I can imagine a flurry of activity in […]

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“Sales People Don’t Have Time To Create Value With Customers…..”

By David Brock | June 20, 2017

I read a comment in a post, “Sales people don’t have time to create value with their customers anymore.”  In fairness to the author, he was claiming sales is broken—it is. My knee jerk reaction was, “This is complete BS!”  Upon reflecting I realized it’s true, and it’s probably an understatement. Without a doubt, sales people are busier than ever.  They have too much on their plates, and keep getting more and more piled on.  Sales people, just as their customers are time poor. At the same time, they are pressed by management for more volume.  They blindly send hundreds […]

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Getting Feedback Wrong

By David Brock | June 19, 2017

We know feedback is important to our own personal development.  It’s how we learn and grow, it’s how we improve.  All high performers (or aspiring high performers) are constantly looking for feedback. Our people need feedback as well.  But too often we get feedback wrong!  Here are some major ways we miss the opportunity to help our people perform better. We don’t provide any feedback.  We’re too busy, we’re not involved, or we simply don’t care.  This is part of your job as a manager.  If you aren’t providing feedback, then you aren’t doing your job. We make it about […]

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Should We Be Coaching Only To Our People’s Strengths?

By David Brock | June 18, 2017

Many people focus on coaching to their people’s strengths.  The argument is that it’s far easier to get people to improve the things they are good at then to focus on reducing their weaknesses. To some degree, I get the argument, people are possibly more engaged because we are working at what they are good at and probably what they enjoy doing.  Time to results is probably faster, because they are already strong in those areas and we are just improving it. I’ve seen some examples like, “If they aren’t good at prospecting, then don’t waste your time…..”  This argues […]

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Bits And Pieces, June 18, 2017

By David Brock | June 18, 2017

First, Happy Father’s Day to all of you who are fathers!  Hope you are taking time away from work and social media to spend time with your families. Many of you know I’m just finishing the follow up book to Sales Manager Survival Guide  (SMSG).  Where SMSG focused on helping Front Line Sales Managers maximize individual and team performance.  Sales Executive Survival  Guide (SESG) will focus on the top Sales Leadership.  It will help you look at the sales function, it’s fit within the enterprise, and how to drive organizational excellence. In SESG, we will be looking at how the […]

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