Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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We Always Make An Impression!

By David Brock | March 20, 2017

There was an interesting comment in one of my latest rants, “God, Save Me From Clueless LinkedIn Prospecting.”  The reader said, “At least he made an impression you will never forget.” He’s absolutely right! Every prospecting call or email, every interaction we have with a customer, everything we do makes an impression.  The issue is, is it the impression we intended or want? Too often, we think we can disregard sloppiness or a poorly executed program.   We skate through meetings being poorly prepared, thinking we can make it up in the next meeting.  We are late to an appointment.  We […]

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The Greatest Disservice We Can Do To Our Customers, Waiting For Them To Buy!

By David Brock | March 16, 2017

There are just too many stupid conversations about the digitally savvy customer going on.  Yes, we know customers are self educating, yes we know they are self diagnosing (that by itself is a frightening prospect), yes we know they don’t want to talk to sales people who simply parrot what they already find thought Google. We can know, expect, and encourage 100% of our customers to be self-educating.  It frees sales people up to engage the customer in the conversations most important to them–helping them solve their problems. Whether that point at which they typically get sales people involved is […]

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Sales Isn’t Dying, We’re Killing It Ourselves!

By David Brock | March 16, 2017

Long time readers will be surprised.  I’ve raged against the posts predicting the death of sales.  I’ve shifted my views, we are killing ourselves! The issue isn’t whether our customers no longer need sales people.  They are hungry for information, more importantly they are starved for help!  Our customers’ worlds are increasingly complex.  They are overworked and overwhelmed.  They face challenges they’ve never encountered before.  Many don’t even recognize they could be doing better or that they are missing opportunities.  They want to learn and improve.  They want our help! Sales people should be filling that important role as change […]

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If You Don’t Understand Your Numbers, You Don’t Know How To Improve Performance

By David Brock | March 13, 2017

Sales and marketing are data/numbers driven, at least they should be and sometimes we pretend they are.  But too often, sales people and managers don’t really understand the data/numbers. Some of you are probably thinking, “Dave you are really off base here, of course we understand them, we know we have to make our numbers!” Too often, however, we aren’t looking at the right data/numbers or we aren’t looking at them in the right way. Conversations sometimes go like this: Me:  “What do you have to do to make your $5M goal?” Salesperson:  “I got to sell a lot of […]

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It Ain’t Easy, Those Days Are Long Past!

By David Brock | March 12, 2017

Sales isn’t easy!  If it was, it could be totally automated and our customers and companies wouldn’t need sales people.  We continue to see those parts of selling carved away, with more effective and efficient channels being leveraged—as they should be! We don’t create value in those areas, we only create cost—for our customers and our companies. While everyone, from the entry level sales person to top sales executives, readily acknowledge the complexities and challenges our customers face and the complexity and challenges we face on engaging them, what I continue to see is people and organizations pursuing the easy […]

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Not Knowing What We Don’t Know

By David Brock | March 9, 2017

Too often, both our work and that of our customers focuses on learning or knowing what we don’t know. We know customers do much of their research digitally–according to research they may be 57-90% through their buying process and 94% of customers do some level of digital research or self education (I think it should be 100%). For example, if I want to improve my email marketing, all I have to do is type that into Google, and I get 12.7M results in 0.52 seconds. Possibly I want to leverage social selling effectively, I get 28.6M results in less than […]

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