Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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Are You Really Different?

By David Brock | March 8, 2017

We know the importance of differentiating ourselves in attempting to win business. We try to do this at our web sites, often posting comparisons and charts showing how we have more features and functions than the alternatives.  Too often, we think differentiation is about checking more feature boxes, having a richer product, than the competition. Web sites are filled with pages of, “Our Value Proposition.”  Only when you compare competitors side by side, they say the same things—we improve your results, reduce your costs, improve quality, Blah, Blah, Blah…… Sales people go through endless demos, showing the capabilities of their […]

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Of Course Sales Is About Relationships!

By David Brock | March 7, 2017

I am fuming at one of the most amazingly naive posts about “the Death Of Sales.”  Ironically it’s written by a sales leader at one of the leading Marketing and Sales Automation company.  Even more ironically, the call to action at the end of his post is to recruit partners to sell his company’s products.  And his products are focused on helping sales people become more effective!  WTF!!!! He starts his article with the sentence, “Sales people are not necessary….”  He claiming that it’s easy to claim that “relationships are the cornerstone of every sale,” and “there is no replacement […]

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Enabling Customers To Take The Actions We Want?

By David Brock | March 6, 2017

I just read an article, one sentence struck me, “Value is created when you enable the customer to take the actions you want them to take.” To tell you the truth, that statement bothers me, but it in reflecting, I thought there is a variant to that statement: Value is created when we enable the customer to take the actions they need to take! What’s the difference between the two sentences? It’s really a matter of perspective.  The first focuses primarily on us, getting the outcomes we want.  Clearly, the actions we want the customer to take is to buy […]

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Are You Commoditizing Your Customers?

By David Brock | March 5, 2017

Everyone understands the challenges of selling commoditized products.  They are perceived as undifferentiated.  In the customers’ and markets’ eyes, there is no difference between these products, regardless the supplier. To win with commoditized products, we have to find some way to differentiate ourselves.  Too often, we differentiate through pricing.  Adept sellers broaden the purchase considerations, differentiating on non-product attributes that are important to customers. But as sellers, none of us want to be “commoditized,” it makes things so much more difficult. Pause for a moment and consider, “In our marketing and sales efforts, are we commoditizing the customer?” Those “Dear […]

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Bits And Pieces, March 5, 2017

By David Brock | March 5, 2017

As usual with these pieces, there are several items I haven’t found the opportunity to include in normal blog posts, so this is where I can provide a number of short discussions about things capturing my interest and which may capture yours.   Charity Water:  Every year, I start a campaign for Charity Water in December, it runs through the end of March.  This year’s campaign is another record breaker.  My goal is to reach $10K in this campaign (making the collective total for campaigns over $50K).  I have a stretch goal of $15K.  At this writing, we’re at $6,115, […]

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The Tragedy Of Either/Or

By David Brock | March 1, 2017

Our society and business worlds seem to be becoming increasingly polarized with group taking extreme positions, suggesting their way is the “Right Way!”  They argue that everything else is wrong and terrible things befall those not doing it their way. Social media channels are filled with people taking these positions. There are the social selling and “cold calling” camps, each thinking the other is wrong. There are the marketing versus selling camps, each taking positions they are the most important contributors to revenue growth. There are the high velocity/high volume advocates that claim they’ve discovered the secret to predictable revenue.  […]

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