Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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Account Based Everything Applies To Everything!

By David Brock | March 1, 2017

Account Based Marketing (ABM), Account Based Selling (ABS), and Account Based Everything (ABE) are hot topics these days, particularly in the As-A-Service worlds.  There are articles, books, conferences focused on these topics. Observing the interest around these topics, one begins to think, “They seem to have discovered the hidden secret to sales and marketing success.”  In some ways, perhaps they have, but in reality, all of this is based on the same basic principles of all sales and marketing success. ABM/ABS/ABE principles are pretty simple: Identify your target accounts. Study and understand them.  Understand their business, their customers, markets, competitors, […]

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Sales People Change The World!

By David Brock | February 28, 2017

Recently, I was privileged to observe a series of training sessions at Microchip.  My friend, Mitch Little, kicked off the session with some introductory comments.  One sentence captivated me, “We change the world…” That has been occupying my thinking since I heard Mitch make the statement. Sales people have the opportunity to change the world! Think about that for a moment, what we do impacts our customers, organizationally and individually.  It changes them, even if in a very small way. We help customers solve problems, improving what they do and the results they produce. We help them discover opportunities they […]

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Are You So Busy Selling Your Product, That You Won’t Win The Deal?

By David Brock | February 23, 2017

Don Mulhern published a brilliant post in LinkedIn the other day.  I thought I’d expand on his ideas. I spend innumerable hours doing deal reviews.  95% go the same way, they focus on the product the sales person is selling, not what the customer is trying to achieve and how we can help the customer do that. Sales people spend endless hours talking about: This is what they like in our product, this is what they like in the competition. We showed them these things in the demo, they really liked it! We just need to overcome these perceptions of […]

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Make Buying Easier!

By David Brock | February 22, 2017

As sales people, we want to make it easy for our customers to buy.  We have endless amounts of data sheets, cases studies, presentations, and information about our products.  We seek to be super responsive to our customers informational needs, immediately burying them with information, conducting endless demos to respond to their questions. Marketing helps us, both with the content and making vast arrays of information available through multiple digital and non-digital channels.  They leverage SEO, online advertising, drip campaigns and any number of techniques to make it easier for prospects and customers to find information about our products and […]

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Why Do We Sell?

By David Brock | February 17, 2017

Some may be wondering about the “existential” nature of this title.  Some may be thinking, “Well, that’s stupid Dave, it’s our job.”  Others might say, “I’m money motivated and it’s a way I can make a lot of money!” We choose to become sales people for a variety of reasons.  For some, it’s the only job we could get coming out of college.  For some it is a path to getting rich, though I can think of a lot of other paths to get richer, faster. This week, I had an amazing experience.  I observed two days of training of […]

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Customers Should Care About Your Profitability!

By David Brock | February 16, 2017

Too often, we succumb to price pressure–even worse, we lead with price, making pricing the center of focus of our sales efforts, then being forced to discount to “win” the business. What if we started shifting our conversations from discussions of discounting to educating them about the importance, to them, of maintaining our pricing and our profitability? In complex B2B sales, the profitability and success of the suppliers is critical to the success of customers.  What happens to customers who focus only on hammering vendors on price? To meet price goals, suppliers start sacrificing quality or ability to meet commitments.  […]

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