Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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Value Proposition, “What Might You Be Doing Instead?”

By David Brock | February 13, 2017

We can learn a lot about value propositions by looking at the vast new array of personal services available through the web. For example, I have a Virtual Assistant.  This person spends a few hours a week doing things I used to do.   They are a lot of the administrative tasks that used to take some of my time.  I’m paying this person to do these things, but what she does frees up time for me to invest in things that are more important.  Things that I just never got around to, because I had to do those administrative tasks. […]

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Sales Enablement Versus The Front Line Sales Manager

By David Brock | February 9, 2017

Mike Kunkle is leading an important discussion about a new trend in Sales Enablement.  Mike identifies the issue: “I’ve been reading Sales Enablement leadership job descriptions lately. I find it concerning how many paint the enabler as responsible for working directly with reps to improve their performance. Not as an occasional field support effort, or a reality check on what’s happening out there, but as a main tenet of the role. And the front line managers are doing what, exactly” Like Mike, I’m seeing the same trend.  Increasingly, sales enablement organizations are being staffed up and given the responsibility to […]

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Automation: Are We Empowering Human Interaction Or Displacing It?

By David Brock | February 9, 2017

The sales and marketing technology along with the social networking/selling technologies represent a huge amount of the changes that are driving sales and marketing. They relieve us of many of the tasks that used to take lots of time, enabling us to focus that time on engaging customers and colleagues.  They help us in better understanding our customers, markets, and what’s happening, so that we can engage customers with more relevant insights on more timely bases.  They enable us to extend our reach, beyond our local geographies to the global community.  They help us create greater value for our customers, […]

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Account Strategies, How Important Are We To The Customer?

By David Brock | February 8, 2017

Account Based Everything has been the rage of the past couple of years.  The principles of ABE are outstanding–focused on further tailoring and personalization of our marketing and sales approaches to the specific needs and priorities of the customer–both the enterprise and individual (actually these are great principles for any customer outreach). Inevitably, we start putting these accounts into our account programs:  Major Accounts, Key Accounts, Strategic Accounts, Corporate Accounts, Global Strategic Accounts, Super Duper Really Humongous Very Special Accounts  (OK, I invented that one). We do these things because the customer is important to us.  We want to retain […]

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Top Sales Enablement Priorities

By David Brock | February 7, 2017

Rightfully, sales enablement gets a lot of attention these days.  Dozens of articles and studies talk about the importance of sales enablement in developing the capabilities of sales people.  Organizations like the Sales Enablement Society is bringing the discussion and frameworks for sales enablement to the front and center of our collective attentions. The priorities cover a lot of areas: On boarding Learning and development Talent management Content Systems, tools, processes ….and more With the exception of articles by a small number of people including Mike Kunkle and Tamara Schenk, there is one critical area that’s notably absent. What about […]

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We Are The Very Best Company To Do These Things ……..

By David Brock | February 5, 2017

Quickly, go to your email and look at the last 10 unsolicited prospecting emails you’ve received, I’ll wait until you come back……. Back already? Let me guess, every single one of those emails started with something similar to: “We are a world leading provider of …….” “We are the best supplier of….” “Our products/services are use by these great companies….” “People interested in these issues [fill in whatever you choose] are always interested in learning about our solutions…” “Our products will enable you to [insert whatever you want, including world peace, world hunger, and losing weight]” Alternatively, it may be […]

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