Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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Failure Takes Effort

By David Brock | December 14, 2016

Failure, for the most part, doesn’t happen over night.  Sure, there are catastrophic events, things far beyond our control.  But I’m not talking about those. The failure I’m speaking of is systemic performance issues–perhaps not big when taken individually, but collectively cause us to fail. Stated another way, failure takes work, for the most part, it doesn’t just happen.  We have to work at it to fail. Some of you are getting pissed off, you’re possibly offended, possibly confused, “What do you mean Dave?” Let me deconstruct it a little. Sure you can fail by not doing anything, but people […]

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Leverage The Coaching “Multiplier Effect”

By David Brock | December 11, 2016

It seems to be a fact of current business life, all of us are time poor. We have more on our plates than we have time available to do them. We are distracted by the urgent, often at the expense of the important. For many managers, the coaching falls into that category. Many recognize that coaching is something they should be doing, but day to day fire-fighting and crisis management seem to conspire to rob managers of the time to coach. (Those that don’t recognize the importance of coaching, are a completely different case–one wonders if they should even be […]

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Let’s Start Talking About Sales Manager Enablement

By David Brock | December 9, 2016

There are 1000’s of articles, dozens of books on sales enablement.  In  the US alone, between training, technology, and tools, over $25Billion is spent each year on enabling sales people.  There are dozens of software tools/platforms, with new one’s springing up every week that focus only on sales enablement. But something critical is missing from most of the conversations. What about sales managers?  What are we doing in sales manager enablement?  In fairness, many of the major sales enablement platforms and some of the specialized tools are doing very good things in sales manager enablement, but the majority of the […]

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Is Job Hopping Inevitable?

By David Brock | December 7, 2016

As long time readers know, I tend to be pretty opinionated.  Recently, I’ve gotten sucked into a conversation thread on LinkedIn about job hopping.  It’s semi interesting–much of it is people rationalizing why they move from job to job to job. Much of the job hopping phenomenon has been attributed, incorrectly I think, to millennial.  “That’s the way they are, we just have to accept it.” First, I job hopping isn’t primarily limited to millennial, I see people in every age group doing it. Second, I think it’s unacceptable to resign ourselves to thinking of this as the future of […]

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“Target Close Date” Integrity

By David Brock | December 6, 2016

Bob Apollo wrote an outstanding post, Where Did That Close Date Come From?  He talks about the importance good close dates to  forecast integrity. I thought I’d expand on his outstanding thoughts. Nothing destroys pipeline and forecast accuracy more than bad target close dates.  I’ve lost count of the number of pipeline reviews where the target close dates were pure wishful thinking. I recall one review about a year ago, where the sales person had slipped the target close date by 30 days 11 times in the past 11 months.  When I reviewed his pipeline, I challenged him about the opportunity, […]

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Busyness Is Not Productiveness

By David Brock | December 5, 2016

Somehow a packed calendar/agenda seems to be an indicator of our “success.”  We live in a 7/24 world, we have more work than we can manage, and we constantly fill our calendars with activities.  It impacts people at all levels. I’ve told this story before, but it bears telling again.  About 15 years ago, I was working with a Fortune 100 organization.  It was struggling terribly  to produce results and grow in a very turbulent market.  As I met with people, I notices how busy they were, their calendars were filled from the morning to evening with meetings, many had […]

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