Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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Encountering Resistance

By David Brock | October 18, 2016

My friend, Charles Green, wrote a stunning article:  Is Selling Too Hard, Maybe You’re Doing It Wrong.  Make sure you read it. His article caused me to start thinking about Resistance.  We all encounter resistance from our customers, it seems the harder we push, the greater the customer’s resistance (for those students of physics, you will recognize the commercial application of Newton’s Third Law of Mechanics). The more we want to sell, the more we want to reach out to pitch our products, the more it seems they resist.  We try everything we can–inundating them with emails, constant prospecting calls.  […]

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First Impressions

By David Brock | October 17, 2016

I got one of those calls today.  Not dissimilar to some of the other calls I’ve described in past posts. The sales person called wanting to talk about sales performance management.  I’m always interested in sales performance management and learning more, after all, the majority of Sales Manager Survival Guide is about sales performance management. The call started well, she introduced herself, the company, and wanted to talk about issues I had with sales performance in my company.  I responded, “Actually, I don’t have issues.  The team is doing very well, we’re ahead of plan……” She asked, “How do you […]

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The Crisis In Sales Performance

By David Brock | October 14, 2016

Whatever way you look at it, we are facing a crisis in sales performance.  The data is everywhere-quantitatively and qualitatively. Last week in Dreamforce 16, there was a lot of discussion about “time available for selling.”  Data points being tossed around showed time available for selling plummeting–in most cases less than 30%, in many far less than that.  In some of our own client work we are seeing ranges as low as 10-20%. CEB data shows as much of stalled/lost deals is do to internal organizational complexity.  Stated differently, getting things done internally adversely impacts people’s ability to focus on […]

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Are You Obsessing Over Your Front Line Managers?

By David Brock | October 12, 2016

There are endless discussions about sales people and their performance.  Thousands of blog posts with hints, tips, instructions focused on sales people, whether SDR’s or Corporate Account Managers.  Hundreds of books, thousands of webinars and training programs all focus on the sales person.  Billions are spent every year in training and tools to help make sales people more effective, efficient, and productive. In some sense, this focus makes sense.  It is these front line individuals that produce the results, it’s these people who are accountable for finding and closing deals at a level sufficient to make the business plan. But […]

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When Less Is More!

By David Brock | October 4, 2016

We have a complexity crisis in our organizations.  There is no place where it hits harder than in the sales organization.  Just think of what sales people face every day: They have the complexity of working with their customers–each struggling with and managing their own complexity.  Multiply that by the number of customers, deals, opportunities they are working on.  Each one is different, how things get done within each organization and each deal is different.  It’s the sales person’s responsibility to manage that, helping the customer manage their own problem solving/buying process to make a decision. They have the complexity […]

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Training Our Customers To Want The 57%!

By David Brock | October 3, 2016

There’s so much misunderstanding about the data point published by CEB a number of years ago, “Customers are 57% of the way through their buying journey before engaging sales.” Other research has this “engagement point” anywhere between 57-92%. The basic premise is the massive amount of digital information enables of customers to do research on the web results in their not engaging sales until the are 57% of the way through their buying process. It makes sense.  Just for the convenience factor alone.  Customers don’t have to remember who a sales person is, or even who suppliers of certain solutions […]

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