Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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The Importance Of Hustle!

By David Brock | August 30, 2016

Hustle is both an important concept but a very unfortunate word.  To many, particularly prospects and customers, it has vey negative connotations. Prospects and customers don’t want to feel “Hustled.”  Usually they take this meaning as being manipulated, cheated, or fooled. Sales people who do this are often labeled “Hustlers.” But there is an important, positive aspect of Hustle or Hustling. It’s really a sense of obsessive and relentless focus and goal attainment. That’s where a lot of sales people (and managers) get Hustle wrong.  They confuse Hustle with activity and busyness.  They seem to think hustle is about volume […]

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Who Owns The Customer Relationship?

By David Brock | August 29, 2016

We often talk about relationships in sales, saying relationships matter.  There are all sorts of phrases like, “people buy from people,”  which ascribe the importance of building relationships with our customers. Yet, it seems that too much of how we actually manage the customer engagement life cycle seems to ignore the importance of developing relationships with our customers.  Instead, we focus on our efficiency in handling the customer. It almost seems that we have an assembly line that we pass our customers along—we try to attract attention, building a relationship through our digital presence–web sites, blogs, other materials.  We complement […]

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Are Sales People Inherently Lazy?

By David Brock | August 25, 2016

Often, I read and hear, “Sales people are inherently lazy…..”  Perhaps, I’m looking at the world through rose-colored glasses, but I believe most sales people want to do the right things.  The problem is, too often, they just don’t know what the right things are. It’s hard to be lazy and be successful in selling, after all, selling is one of the toughest professions in business.  Sales people face more “no’s” than “yes’s” everyday.  They have to constantly focus on finding new deals, developing new relationships, working on current deals, coordinating resources both within their own companies and with their […]

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On Personal Branding

By David Brock | August 24, 2016

I’m amused by all the articles and talk about personal branding.  But, it’s always fashionable to develop new names for age-old concepts.  To be fair, sometimes these label shifts bring these principles back to our attention. To some degree, the concepts of personal branding and reputation are–or should be—synonymous. I’m not sure in much of modern personal branding, they are.  It seems much of the discussion focuses on building visibility and building broad networks.  The trick in sustaining your personal brand isn’t in how big your network is or how visible you are, but rather in delivering on your brand […]

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The Customer Doesn’t Care About Your Number!

By David Brock | August 23, 2016

It happens to all of us.  We need to make our number.  Quarter end is approaching, we need a deal to close to make our numbers. Recently, I was doing a deal review with a sales person needing a specific deal to make her quarter happen.  She’s a great sales person, and as with great sales people very goal driven. We started the deal review with her statement, “I need to make this deal happen this quarter….”  Naturally, her manager and I agreed.  But as we did the deal review, the focus on her needs became really distracting. All the […]

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What About Seller Personas?

By David Brock | August 22, 2016

By now, hopefully, everyone knows the importance and power of Buyer Personas.  Understanding who our buyers are, what drives them, how they are measured, the key issues they face, and all sorts of other things enables us to connect and engage them more effectively. We can focus our content and our discussions in  ways that are most impactful and meaningful to them.  We can talk to them about the things they are most likely to be interested in in their “language.”  We can create and communicate value in terms that directly impact their success. Personas have shifted the way we […]

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