Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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Ditching The Performance Review! Another Look

By David Brock | June 28, 2016

There is no doubt the performance planning and review process in most organizations is broken.  Too often, it’s a meaningless annual exercise of managers and their people filling out forms, having “the conversation” then going back to their real work. Too often, the review process has become completely detached from how managers work with their people on a day to day basis. In my own past jobs, even at senior levels, I’ve had my managers hand me a blank form, asking me to fill it out, then we sit down and talk about it.  We would go through the motions […]

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How SaaSy Is Your Sales Model?

By David Brock | June 27, 2016

SaaS has become all the rage of businesses these days.  Of course it’s attractive when we see the number of SaaS unicorns or when we read of the high growth rates of SaaS companies (though a 100% growth rate of a young $1M SaaS company is very different than the 5% growth rate of a $1B company.)  But there’s a lot of sex and sizzle behind these business models, with everyone wanting to jump on board–giving rise to Everything as a Service. Inevitably, there’s a lot of confusion as companies try and many fail to emulate what they see in […]

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Bits And Pieces — June 25, 2016

By David Brock | June 25, 2016

A few updates you may find interesting to peruse over the weekend. What I’m Learning: I’m in the middle of an outstanding course entitled:  Model Thinking on Coursera.  It’s taught by Scott Page of the University of Michigan.  It’s a fascinating course.  I think every sales professional should look at courses on models and systems thinking.  Not only do they help us makes sense of our own complex work environments, they provide us critical thinking and problem solving skills to help our customers. Movies You Should See: Just saw The Music Of Strangers.  It follows Yo-Yo Ma and members of […]

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Sales Leadership Dysfunctions — Sales Managers As Desk Jockeys

By David Brock | June 23, 2016

I’ve written about a couple of dysfunctions—Anti Sales Attitudes and the Need For Clarity and Direction.  One of the more common dysfunctions is sales managers leading from behind a desk. Increasingly we find sales managers either trapped behind or hiding behind a desk.  It comes about in a number of ways. Often organizations become increasingly bureaucratic and process bound.  There are endless reports (odd when many of the tools are supposed to save us time on reporting) and urgent internal meetings requiring sales management participation.  Some of this reporting is necessary.  It’s important to other people in the organization to […]

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Jeb Blount On The Sales Manager Survival Guide

By David Brock | June 22, 2016

Thanks to Jeb Blount of Sales Gravy for this great explanation of Sales Manager Survival Guide.

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Speed Kills!

By David Brock | June 16, 2016

No, I haven’t become the spokesperson for the National Highway Safety Commission, I’ve had more than my fair share of speeding tickets (and actually far fewer than I deserve.) I just read a horrible piece of advice from a “guru.”  The advice was, “Efficiency Drives Effectiveness!” How wrong can a supposed expert be? Efficiency is all about speed, getting more done in less time.  We have to be concerned about efficiency, but only if we are doing the right things in the right way with the right people at the right time! Executing bad selling skills very efficiently produces garbage really quickly.  […]

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