Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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Innovation And Copying

By David Brock | June 6, 2022

Too often, we think we are innovating, when all we are doing is copying. We look at our competitors, seeing what drives their success and we copy them. We try to do the very same things that makes them successful. Whether it’s the same tools, programs, methods, content, we think we innovate by copying. Or we may look at other successful organizations, assessing what they do, copying it with the hope of being as successful or better than they are. And it virtually never works! While it works for them, it seldom works for us–and those few times it does, […]

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Leading With Curiosity

By David Brock | June 3, 2022

Curiosity is one of the most critical skills any seller can have. It’s even more important for leaders. As leaders, there’s so much we can learn, so much we can do in helping drive the performance of our teams, so much in driving our success with customers. Curiosity drives leaders to observe, to watch what’s happening. It drives them to ask questions–not with an agenda, but to learn and understand. Curiosity helps leaders and their people rethink what they are doing, figuring out what works, how to improve, where things might be done differently. In most leadership roles, there are […]

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Invention, Innovation, Improvement

By David Brock | June 1, 2022

The three “I’s” are critical to success and growth. What do they mean to sales and marketing? Why are they important to revenue generation functions, what should we be doing about them? First, let’s start with some definitions: An invention is a unique or novel device, method, composition or process. (Dave’s take: Something that has never existed before.) Innovation is the practical implementation of ideas that result in the introduction of new goods or services or improvements in offering goods or services. (Dave’s take, something that may have existed before, but is being applied in a new or novel way.) […]

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Why Common Sense Isn’t So Common

By David Brock | May 31, 2022

I’m re-reading a stunning series of posts Charlie Green wrote several years ago. They are more relevant than ever.. They are entitled, “Five Short Phrases To Build Relationships.” I won’t spoil the fun of discovering these brilliant ideas. Make sure you read and leverage them. What struck me in reading Charlie’s post were they were so simple, so obvious. They were just plain common sense. At the same time, the brilliance of Charlie’s posts is that we fail to leverage these principles too often. Stated differently, we spend a lot of time looking for short cuts, miracle cures, and tricks, […]

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“A Seat At The Table….”

By David Brock | May 31, 2022

Over the past 6-7 years, increasingly, I’ve seen too many discussions about “getting a seat at the table.” Usually, they refer to reporting directly to the CEO. The arguments have come from sales enablement, sales ops, marketing, customer experience, the receptionist at the front desk. OK, I made the last one up, receptionists serve a very important function. They are often the first experience customers, suppliers, the community have of an organization. Because of that importance, perhaps they, too, should get a seat at the table. The table is getting pretty crowded! I have to confess, these discussions seem so […]

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“Why Does This Happen?”

By David Brock | May 29, 2022

The question, “Why Does This Happen,” and its variants (“What causes this to occur, How does this happen, etc?”) are some of the most profound questions we can pose as we look at understanding problems and opportunities. As we start posing these questions, the responses provoke us to follow up with the “What if….., Have you considered…., How might things change if…..? All of these are foundational in engaging our customers to think differently. They are critical as we look at our own strategies and performance. But too often, we fail to do this. Instead of trying to understand how/why […]

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