Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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Good Selling Is A Choice

By David Brock | March 9, 2016

Jill Konrath has a fantastic post and video, Being Good At Sales Is A Choice.  Be sure to read it, it’s a perfect complement to this post (Jill, thanks for letting me riff off your concept). What is Good Selling? Is it making your numbers?  Absolutely, that’s your job.  Making your numbers requires you to not only be good at selling, it requires good selling. Good selling is really all about the customer.  It makes sense, if there were no customers, how could we sell–good or bad? Good selling puts the customer at the center of everything we do.  It […]

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When The Script Works

By David Brock | March 8, 2016

Over the past weeks, I’ve been arguing against mindless scripts being executed mindlessly. But what happens if the script works? Recently, I responded to an email, get the inevitable call, the SDR opens with “We can help with your performance measurement issues…..” I wasn’t sure I had any performance measurement issues, but was interested in learning more.  I had described our key metrics and asked, “What should we be doing differently?” The sales person had, apparently, been prepped for that, saying, “You need more KPI’s and you need them in real time.” I asked, “Why?” The rep paused, “I can arrange […]

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Sales Managers Are Killing The Sales Organization!

By David Brock | March 7, 2016

It may be that time of year. or maybe I’m just more aware of it, but it seems that too many sales managers are focused on killing the sales organization. Researchers constantly remind us that buying is changing, that buyers prefer to minimize contact with sales, reducing it to the last 20-43% of their buying process.  They give us feedback from customers:  “They don’t understand my problem, they talk about their products, they don’t care about what we are trying to do….”  The lists go on. The inevitable conclusion of these reports is that buying is changing, customers have better […]

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When Prospects Don’t Follow The Script

By David Brock | March 3, 2016

I have a confession.  For some reason, I take perverse pleasure in taking sales people off script.  Yes, I do it purposefully, but not maliciously.  I suppose I should be ashamed with playing with these hapless souls, but I’m not. But before you start thinking poorly of me, the questions or responses I provide aren’t unreasonable.  These sales people are just ill prepared to engage in a conversation. For example, a few months ago, a sales person calls me (yes, I had just downloaded a white paper).  After the introduction, he said, “I can help grow your business by 200% […]

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“Good Enough” Should Never Be “Good Enough”

By David Brock | March 3, 2016

I’ve been involved in a fascinating conversation with Greg Michaels.  He wrote a great article, Regarding The “Challenger Customer.” Taking “Good Enough” Away From The Sales Table.  He piqued my interest and we’ve been communicating and debating about it for days. We all, our customers and we “settle.”  Whether we get so busy, are blind, arrogant, complacent,  or just tired, we tend to settle.  We deal with frustrations, ultimately becoming blind to them. In reality, Good Enough is devastating.  Good Enough focuses us on the past and the present. What worked brilliantly yesterday, is OK today, but what about tomorrow? One thing […]

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Does Your View Of Value Limit You And Your Customers?

By David Brock | March 2, 2016

Value is one of those $25 words everyone talks about.  We all want to talk about our value and value propositions.  But we have huge variations in the way we interpret value and the way our customers interpret value. Value in it’s simplest form is price.  Unfortunately, that’s where the majority of sales people compete.  They provide the customer with their best price, crossing their fingers, hoping to win.  The customer is left with the challenge of which alternative to choose.  Since, inevitably, all the alternative will meet their requirements, the only differentiator becomes the vendor offering the lowest price.  […]

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