Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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Deja-Vu All Over Again, Death Of Sales People

By David Brock | October 26, 2015

My friend Kelly Riggs got me all wound up on this topic I hope had died, but apparently hasn’t had the sense to die.  As you look at related titles at the bottom of this post, I’ve run out of titles and use variations of the same one over and over. Kelly writes about an infographic on the death of selling that’s making the rounds.  I understand the infographic, buying into it makes you want to buy the author’s products and services.  I don’t really blame them, they’re selling, just like many of us do in our sales and marketing […]

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Stop Helping The Customer Buy!

By David Brock | October 25, 2015

Surprisingly, I’ve received more comments, questions, and pushback on my Solving The Customer’s Problem post than I expected.  In hopes of providing clarity or adding fuel to the fire, I thought I’d continue. Let me be clear, helping our customers buy is critical.  It’s a giant step forward from what most sales people do. Typically, we show up and throw up—pitching our products, even our solutions.  This leaves the customer having to figure out, “how do I apply this to my business, what does it do for me.”  The reality is customers don’t have time and won’t make the time […]

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The Problem With Pitch Decks

By David Brock | October 23, 2015

I’ve seen thousands of pitch decks.  The vast majority are horrible. There’s the corporate vanity deck.  It always has a lot of slides.  Usually it mentions the customer name in about 3 places, on the cover slide, the second to last slide, and the last slide.  The rest of the deck is all about the vendor.  You are regaled with size, locations, financial performance, logos of customers, and all sorts of stuff telling the customer how wonderful they are and why the customer would be a fool to buy from anyone else. There’s the product presentation deck.  These are huge decks, usually […]

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The Collaboration Formula

By David Brock | October 22, 2015

I’m attending CEB’s Sales and Marketing Summit.  If you ever have the opportunity, it’s a very worthwhile conference.  Between the discussions over the past couple of days and come coincident phone and email discussions I’ve had while here, the concept of collaboration has been a huge underlying theme. Whether it’s how we work with our colleagues and team members more effectively, how we collaborate with customers–facilitating their own opportunity-solving process, or helping them to buy, the concepts of collaboration underlie virtually everything we do. Collaborations come in all shapes and sizes.  They could be career long collaborations with colleagues in […]

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Solving The Customer’s Problem

By David Brock | October 21, 2015

Yesterday, I had one of those “Aha” moments.  I realized that much of what I’ve been talking about for years has been wrong. Well not completely wrong but off target enough to be significant.  I’ve written and advocated about helping customers buy, facilitating their buying process, or even leading them through buying when they don’t know how to buy. Now all of that is great stuff.  Far better than what normal sales people do in “showing up and throwing up,” or pitching products. But, it’s based on the assumption that “buying” is critical to the customer. In reality, the customer […]

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What If The Customer Doesn’t Know Their Buying Process?

By David Brock | October 19, 2015

We all know the customer’s buying process is more important than our selling process.  If we are to be effective, we are supposed to align our selling process with the customer buying process, staying in sync through the entire journey. But we’re also confronted with stunning data about the huge number of forecast deals that end in no decision made.  Challenger Customer has offered amazing insights into the difficulty customers have in aligning themselves around their own decision-making process, then marching through it. Reflecting on the struggles buyers have as outlined in the Challenger Customer, one starts to think, “Perhaps […]

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