Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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The High Cost Of Distraction

By David Brock | October 11, 2015

No this isn’t a post on the evils of texting or reading emails while driving—though the costs of those distractions are devastating.  This is focuses on all the tools, alerts, and things that are supposed to help us, yet in fact have devastating impacts on our personal effectiveness and productivity. We can point out endless examples—people reading their smartphones during a meeting, the person you are meeting with is a devout believer in multitasking.  And then there are the distracted, “Ugh-huh’s, that sounds fantastic,” responses to my wife as she tells me about her day while I’m looking at the […]

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When Things Dry Up!

By David Brock | October 11, 2015

Marketing has been developing fantastic content.  They are leveraging every analytic tool imaginable, they’ve got marketing automation tools, they’re active on social channels, doing everything possible to generate demand. Sales people wait for the coveted SQL–the Sales Qualified Lead. Regardless of what’s been agreed between marketing and sales, to a sales person the SQL is a buying ready (hopefully PO ready) lead.  The customer is interested, they want to talk to sales–in fact they were probably on the verge of calling sales themselves. In an ideal world, every sales person has the right flow of SQL to keep healthy pipelines, […]

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What Is The Most Important Problem To Solve Now?

By David Brock | October 9, 2015

I had an interesting conversation with Pam Hege this morning.  It started with a discussion of clients asking to solve a particular problem–but the wrong problem. As consultants, we see this issue a lot.  People call having an issue that’s urgent, but it’s not THE problem. It seems to be human nature to focus on crises.  We ignore something that may be a problem or are oblivious to it until a crisis occurs.  The challenge is that often the crises masks the real problem.  But since we focus on the crisis at hand, we mobilize the organization to “fix the […]

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Social Networking Annoyances

By David Brock | October 8, 2015

Every day, I get dozens of connection requests through all sorts of channels.  Early on, as I was building my networks, I didn’t scrutinize the requests very closely.  If someone seemed nominally interesting, I was glad to connect. Over time, I’ve become much more careful, primarily because accepting many requests opens a flood gate of unwanted emails, phone calls, and meaningless solicitations. I’ve started developing these rough screening rules, but have a lot to learn, so I’d love to hear your tips I connect with people:  Somehow, I get a lot of requests from “companies.”  I don’t know how to […]

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Sales Management Isn’t Simple!

By David Brock | October 6, 2015

Being a top performing sales manager or executive isn’t an easy job.  Sales managers live in a world of constantly shifting priorities, crises, and challenges. Simultaneously, sales leaders must balance their responsibility in executing the company strategy in the markets and with customers.  They must respond to constant shifts in markets and ever changing buyer and competitive demands.  They must make sure their organization is prepared not only for today’s challenges, but for changes they know will come.  They have to maximize the performance of the organization–in the face of few resources, less funding, increasing expectations and no time. Even […]

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“We Can’t Justify Your Price……”

By David Brock | October 5, 2015

We were debriefing a closing call.  Bill’s solution had been selected.  Bill had done a great job in competing and in justifying the value of his solution. There was a strong business case demonstrating tremendous improvements in productivity.  In this case, the customer was growing faster than their ability to bring people on board supporting the growth.  Bill’s solution enabled the customer to support their anticipated growth with their current workforce.  As a result the business case was stunning. The customer could capture revenue they would otherwise forego, and they were doing it on a much lower cost basis than they […]

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