Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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Your Sales Process Is Not A One Way Street!

By David Brock | March 30, 2015

Our thinking and visualizations of our sales processes, deal strategies, funnels, and pipelines often cause us to do the wrong things.  It’s because we have a “one way street” mentality as we think of our deal strategies.  Things progress–top to bottom, left to right (or right to left in certain parts of the world). We prospect, qualify, discover, demonstrate, propose, close, implement. Everything moves in one direction, we’re always moving forward—-except when we don’t. The other day, I was reviewing a critical deal.  You guessed it, it was large and critical to the quarter end.  The sales person had it […]

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Buying Acceleration

By David Brock | March 29, 2015

It’s become fashionable to talk about Sales Acceleration.  I suppose it seems sexier than talking about sales effectiveness or efficiency.  Perhaps we can visualize the concept of speed much more easily than other metaphors. Inbound sales people are constantly trying to accelerate sales by getting to the customer quickly.  Just the other day, I made the mistake of downloading another white paper, within minutes I get emails and calls from sales people about demoing and buying their product. As sales people, we try to move things faster through the sales process.  We want to get things done, book the order, […]

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Secret Closing Techniques

By David Brock | March 29, 2015

An article, “Secret Closing Techniques,” caught my eye.  I’ve never really had any trouble closing, but I’m always looking to improve. Some expert had discovered the secrets to closing deals.  Deals you’ve worked through but just can’t close.  Summarizing the “secrets,”  Stories, Curiosity, Sense of Urgency. I reread the article several times, thinking I may have misunderstood. Don’t get me wrong, stories, curiosity, sense of urgency are all critical things to do in the sales process.  But this author wrote about them as the secrets in closing. As I reflected on the article, I thought, perhaps if we use these […]

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Is It Your Sales Process?

By David Brock | March 26, 2015

Most organizations I work with have a sales process.  But when I look at it, it’s not THEIR sales process. Sure it’s a sales process, but it’s not theirs.  That is, they’ve leveraged the same generic sales stage steps that came with their CRM system.  Or they’ve used the generic sales process from the sales training company they last used.  Or it’s the process they put in place 10 years ago. It’s a sales process (or some semblance), but it’s not THEIR sales process. Often, coincidentally, they aren’t using it.  Sales people say, “It doesn’t work.”  It’s easy to understand, […]

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“I’ll Know It When I See It”

By David Brock | March 26, 2015

“I’ll Know It When I See It.”  I hear that phrase way too often. I hear it when I’m talking to a manager about hiring new people.  Usually it’s in response to a question I ask like, “What specific skills, experiences, competencies, attitudes, and behaviors are you seeking in the ideal candidate?” Or when I talk to someone about their search for partners or strategic alliances.  Usually, in this case, it’s in response to “What’s the profile of the ideal partner?” Often, when I talk to a sales person about qualifying prospects.  They seem somehow to feel or intuit whether […]

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Consistency Of Execution

By David Brock | March 22, 2015

One of the things that separates top performers, individuals and organizations, apart from everyone else is the consistency of execution. Consistency of execution has 3 core elements. Knowing the right thing to do to drive the expected results. Doing those things consistently, day after day. Continually sharpening them, improving executions (As Stephen Covey would say, “Sharpening the saw.) At an individual level, sales people may have remarkably similar backgrounds, experiences, capabilities.  They’ve gone through exactly the same training, they are using exactly the same tools.  But there are real differences in performance.  There are differences in “make up,” and basic […]

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