Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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Show Me That You Care!

By David Brock | March 20, 2015

The first version of this post was titled “Tell Me That You Care.”  It was a very wordy saga about a near tragic customer relationship/customer experience with Bank of America. It had all the makings of a financial thriller:  A damsel in distress–my wife along with her personal and her company accounts.  A dashing hero– OK, maybe not so dashing.  There was fraud, criminal activity, police, suspected identity theft, financial malfeasance. certified documents being sent, missed commitments, dashed hopes.  Everything but the sex–well, at least that’s not a part of this story. Like many of these stories, an unexpected plot twist at the […]

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“A Shot In The Dark”

By David Brock | March 19, 2015

I recently received a prospecting email on LinkedIn entitled, “A Shot In The Dark.”  The individual opened with the usual, “I was looking at your profile, you appear to be the right person…..” The rest of the email isn’t really relevant, I think I was the “right” person because I’m CEO of my company, I suspected rather than taking “A Shot In The Dark,” he was using a “Shotgun In The Dark.” But I reflected on the phrase, “A Shot In The Dark.”  I’ve used it a lot, in the past, I’m sure most of us use at least the […]

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Have I Got A Deal For You!

By David Brock | March 18, 2015

No, I’m not talking about some smarmy sales person.  I’m talking about a, possibly naïve, customer. Have you ever had a customer call wanting to talk about the “dream deal?”  They don’t pose it as the dream deal, but upon hearing it, we recognize it as one. It doesn’t happen very often, but when it happens, it immediately causes most normal people to salivate and dollar signs start dancing before their eyes. Often, these deals are too good to be true–and what happens is they are usually too good to be true,  they may never happen. I’m working with a […]

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Sales People Build Your Personal Brand And Thought Leadership!

By David Brock | March 18, 2015

Thousands of blogs and articles on social selling, media, marketing focus on building Personal Brands and Thought Leadership.  The experts proclaim sales people must become thought leaders and focus on building their personal brands.  These same experts say sales people must engage socially, whether through blogging, social engagement, or whatever mechanisms, developing and demonstrating their thought leadership to prospects, customers and markets. In truth I struggled with these concepts.  From a corporate management point of view, I’ve always thought it more important to build and reinforce a company’s brand and thought leadership.  I’ve wondered why a sales person with a […]

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Just In Time Content

By David Brock | March 16, 2015

I wrote, “Sales Must Own And Solve The Content Marketing Problem,”  There was a lot of discussion, and a lot of misunderstanding, some thought I was actually arguing for sales people to start writing content, some were confused by my use of creating content for “the last mile.” In reflecting on the comments, both in the post and email, I realized there is a misunderstanding of “Content.” In some sense, with all respect to the one or two friends I have in marketing, content has been hijacked.  We’ve come to think of “Content” as that stuff which is the exclusive domain […]

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“Delivering Your Value Proposition” Is Not A Step In Your Sales Process!

By David Brock | March 16, 2015

Before going further in this article, stop for a moment and look at the steps and activities in your sales process.  At some point is  there something similar to, “Deliver value proposition to customer?” Now a few of you may be scratching your heads–if you don’t have a sales process, you are in deep trouble.  Do not pass Go, do not Collect $200, go immediately to Jail!* For some of you, the idea might be phrased a little differently, it might be an aggressive, “Gain customer agreement on value proposition.”  Usually, it’s toward the end of the sales process, as […]

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