Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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Too Busy To Worry About The Customer Experience

By David Brock | December 29, 2014

Recently, I wrote, “‘Simplifying The Way We Work,’ But What About The Customer?”  It provoked some interesting discussion, including a great comment from Gary Hart: “…do you think many organizations are trapped in the misconception that bottom-line-centric improves customer centricity and that price trumps service?” Certainly, the bottom-line is critical to our success. Without focusing on profitability, we can’t continue to invest in growth or survive.  It’s a fundamental for all businesses.  But customer centricity and profitability aren’t conflicting goals.  In fact our most loyal customers are probably our most profitable customers. I do think many business executives, mistakenly, put profit […]

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“Simplifying The Way We Work,” But What About The Customer?

By David Brock | December 24, 2014

I caught a small article flashing across my news feeds, “Coca-Cola Disconnects Voicemail At Headquarters.”  I’m not a big fan of voicemail, those I receive are translated into texts and sent to my mobile and email.  So this post is not about voicemail. The thing that struck me in the article the reasoning behind this.  The article cited an internal memo from the CIO, the change was not done for cost savings, but rather “’to simplify the way we work and increase productivity.’  Callers, upon not reaching the person they are trying to reach are told to try later or […]

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The Illusion Of Control

By David Brock | December 23, 2014

Matt Heinz wrote a provocative post, “News Flash, Sales Doesn’t Control When The Deal Is Closed.”  It is a great post.  Many of us, in and out of sales, operate under the illusion that we are in control, but we aren’t. Many might respond,  well the customer is in control, so we have to work with them.  As Matt points out, this may not be true, the customer may not truly be in control of their buying/decision making process—which is a possible reason so many deals end in no decision made. If one pushes this argument further, we realize in […]

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“We Want Your Help To Grow Our Business”

By David Brock | December 22, 2014

When I saw the title on the email, I was intrigued.  I thought, “A new client?”  After all, that’s what we do, we help our clients grow their businesses, but I’d never had anyone approach me so directly before.  Usually, the “grow the business” piece comes disguised in problems and challenges. I opened the email only to be disappointed.  Yes, you guessed it, an awful sales pitch!  Probably 100’s of you received the same thing in LinkedIn yesterday. The sales person very blatantly asks for our help in growing their business, meaning they want my money.  At least I have […]

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The Unfinished Business Of The Year

By David Brock | December 22, 2014

The end of the year is approaching quickly.  As is usual, we are consumed/distracted with a lot of things.  Month end, Quarter end, for many Year end.  We’re rushing to make those last minute numbers, perhaps get some of those year end dollars.  Pile on top of that, the New Year, which for many of us means to start planning for 2015 Kick-offs, programs, new quotas, new goals, looking forward with anticipation. Then there is the personal side, Holiday plans and celebrations, family, friends…… It’s easy to get caught up in all of this, but there are some important pieces […]

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Each Of Us Can Make A Difference!

By David Brock | December 20, 2014

For those of you who have followed this blog for some time, you know this is the time of year I ask you for money.  For the past 3 years, I’ve sponsored campaigns through Charity:Water to provide wells and potable drinking water to 10’s of thousands of people in Africa, India, and Southeast Asia. You’ve been very generous in your support and in your giving.  Not just to this campaign, but I get notes from dozens of you on your own efforts.  For some it’s providing meals for the homeless in your communities.  Others it’s contributing time and money to […]

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