Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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We Caught ‘Em, You Skin ‘Em (The Saga Between Marketing And Sales — Part 1)

By David Brock | August 18, 2014

We’ve all heard some variation of the same story:  Two hunters are in the woods, they’re separated.  All of a sudden one hunter runs by the other at top speed screaming his head off.  He’s being chased by a bear.  As he passes the other hunter he yells, “I caught him, you skin him!” Sometimes that seems a perfect description of the relationship between marketing and sales.  Marketing spends it’s time trying to create demand—any kind of demand.  They “caught the leads,” it was sales responsibility to “skin them.” But in this story, sometimes it seems marketing and sales are […]

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Who Is The Customer Experience For?

By David Brock | August 14, 2014

The answer to this question seems obvious, the customer experience, whether it is buying, post buying, or anytime they engage our company, is for the customer. It’s the experience they should have in every interaction with our organization.  When they are looking for information, how do they find it?  Is it meaningful, relevant, and timely?  When they engage in a buying process, do we align with how they want to buy, creating value in each step of the process?  When they buy, do we support them in the ways that are helpful and responsive to them?  When they don’t buy […]

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Designing The Customer Experience For Our Efficiency, Not The Customers’

By David Brock | August 14, 2014

This afternoon, we had a problem with a critical tool that we use. I am currently on the road, running from meeting to meeting, but I had to address the problem, it was impacting our people and work they were doing. I called customer service, got a very good agent.  Unfortunately, the answers she was giving me weren’t satisfactory so I asked if I could speak to a manager.  She was pleased to have me do so, but couldn’t transfer me.  “We don’t transfer these calls to managers, I have to send a note to a manager and someone will get […]

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“I Can Save You More Than You Are Currently Spending” And Other Stupid Sales Ploys

By David Brock | August 12, 2014

We’ve all gotten the call, the phone rings, it’s a sales person.  Somewhere in the first 5 sentences of his pitch, he says, “I can save you more than you are currently spending,”  or something similar. How utterly stupid! Paraphrasing Ian Brodie, “How can you make that statement until you know what I’m doing and what I’m spending?”  I’m a little more sadistic than that.  Any sales person calling me with that claim, I immediately say, “That’s awesome, how do I take advantage of the deal?”  The sales person gets excited, continues their pitch, I interrupt, “You’ve sold me, don’t […]

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You Won’t Win With The Best Product!

By David Brock | August 12, 2014

Sales people are obsessed with products.  We know every feature, function, feed, and speed.  We know the most nuanced details of the product and how it’s used. We know the competitors, comparing each thing the competitor does with what we do—“The competitor’s only comes in black, we offer four colors……. We have endless analyses, brochures, case studies and testimonials about the superiority of our products.  We have demos, benchmarks, and other tools that prove the superiority of our products. We can spew endless features, advantages, and benefits.  We are prepared to pitch anything about the product at a moment’s noticed–anxiously […]

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QoS–Quality Of Service

By David Brock | August 11, 2014

We’ve all experienced it, our mobile phone rings, upon answering all we hear is static.  We move to another location — in pursuit of the ever elusive bars, usually shouting something like, “Can you hear me now?” We struggle to hear, we redial several times because the call was dropped.  Those around us go through the same thing.  For many of us, the day of the crystal clear call, the call that always got through on the first dial, the call that was never dropped are distant memories.  We complain, yet we accept it–this must be the price we pay […]

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