Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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It’s Never “Just A Matter Of Training.”

By David Brock | April 1, 2014

I was speaking to a friend the other day.  He’s VP of Sales Enablement for a large technology organization.  He had just come out of a meeting of his peers–the top management in the sales organization.  He called to say, “the field VP’s proposed that we initiate a major sales training program and are willing to fund it.” I was puzzled, “What’s the problem?  That should be fantastic for your organization.  It’s the opportunity to implement some of the new training approaches we’ve spoken about.” He replied, “Yes, from that view, it’s great.  We think the training could have a real […]

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“Only The Paranoid Survive”

By David Brock | April 1, 2014

“Only The Paranoid Survive” was written years ago by Andy Grove, then Chairman of Intel.  It told the story of the transformation of Intel from a memory to a microprocessor company.  I loved the book, it is featured on my bookshelf—partly because the title is a great reminder. Yesterday, a client and I were discussing the transformation in his organization.  We started about 2 years ago with an organization that just wasn’t performing.  We undertook a massive transformation, changed about everything–people, processes, tools, metrics, incentives.  Virtually nothing was left untouched.  Two years later we’ve seen sustained outstanding performance for at least a […]

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Late To The Party!

By David Brock | March 31, 2014

Ever show up to a party late?  Groups have formed, everyone’s deeply engaged in conversations, the good food’s gone.  When I’m late, I wander from group to group, trying to quickly understand what’s happen in the conversation and join in.  Often it’s tough.  I’ve missed a lot, sometimes people are good enough to repeat some of what’s going on–to catch me up, but mostly there’s a lot of missing context that makes it difficult to participate fully in the conversation. The same thing happens very often in sales.  We discover an opportunity very late in the customer’s buying cycle.  Possibly they’ve […]

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“Everyone Has A Plan Until They Get Punched In The Face”

By David Brock | March 28, 2014

I love this quote from Mike Tyson.  Most sales people I speak with claim they have a plan–often I think they thought they had a plan, but really didn’t.  But whether they do or don’t so many sales people get off course in their sales efforts.  They encounter difficulty, are put off their plan, and just play catch up through the rest of the buying process. Some might respond, “Why plan?”  That’s a losing strategy.  So how do we deal with being “punched in the face.”  It happens to all of us in virtually every sales situation, so we need […]

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When Are We Going To Understand, It Really Isn’t About The Product!

By David Brock | March 25, 2014

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been on the road constantly, I think I’ve logged over 50K miles, sat in dozens of meetings, account/deal/call/pipeline reviews.  I’ve spent a lot of time in airplanes and hotels, so I read lots of stuff–books, magazines, blogs. I keep hearing common themes (and I’m guilty about contributing to many of these themes.)  Selling has changed…….buying has changed…..our products, services, solutions are commoditized…..our value as sales people is being marginalized….selling is becoming about transactions…..the needs for sales people is shifting……  and some articles imply the “death of the sales person,” with appropriate cheering from many […]

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Fifty Shades Of Forecasting

By David Brock | March 22, 2014

It’s the end of a frighteningly busy week.  So my mind’s fried, and I start considering silly things. A few weeks ago, I wrote “Reality (Sometimes) Sucks!”  Don Lafferty provided a great comment in a LinkedIn group.  He said, “Funny, my regional sales managers never want reality to get in the way of their forecasts.” Don’s comment got me thinking.  I could really write a New York Times Best Seller–in the Fiction category.  I’m thinking of calling it “Fifty Shades Of Forecasting.” I am imagining that it will have all the elements of important to a Fictional Best Seller:  Lies, Deceit, […]

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