Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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The Courage To Commit And Execute

By David Brock | December 3, 2013

There is never an end to the creativity of marketing and sales professionals in coming up with new ideas or programs.  Developing new strategies and new programs is exciting.  We get to think about the future, we engage in exciting discussions about new ideas, we are involved in creating and innovating.  It’s fun and invigorating. Developing new strategies and programs is seldom a problem.  The problem is committing to the execution of the programs.  It’s no longer about powerful ideas, but it’s the tough work of making it happen.  It’s no longer clean and theoretical, it’s rolling up your sleeves, […]

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Observations On Dreamforce 2013

By David Brock | December 2, 2013

It’s taken me a couple of weeks to sort some of my thoughts on this year’s Dreamforce. In the weeks leading up to Dreamforce, I kept trying to find excuses not to go, normally I avoid going to these types of events.  Finally, I decided I’d attend, I steeled myself for crowds, hours of boredom interspersed with a few interesting meetings or sessions. Instead, it became, perhaps the single best professional development experience I’ve been through this year.  Let me explain myself with some thoughts in no particular order. 1.  First, my compliments to the people at who are […]

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Technology Is Wonderful, But……

By David Brock | November 29, 2013

I spent much of last week at Dreamforce.  Before I go on, if you’ve never experienced it, you should attend.  It’s one of the best events, I’ve ever attended.  I’ll write more about it later. Dreamforce, like many other user conferences, CES and other trade shows gets a technology geek’s, like me, head spinning!  One sees and hears about all sorts of technology–each apparently the answer to every sales/marketing person’s and executive prayers.  Install this solution, click here, a few clicks there, and all of a sudden you are over quota.  At least that’s the imagery one gets from each […]

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Constructing Insight

By David Brock | November 28, 2013

Thanks to my friend Brian MacIver for his brilliant phrasing on this critical concept on Insight.  There’s a terrible misunderstanding on the concept of Insight.  Too often, I see organizations caught up in the Insight movement, but focusing only on the front end of the process. Marketing people are busy building messaging programs around our Insights.  Sales is impatient for marketing to deliver their polished presentations, then they rehearse diligently to create commercial teaching.   Armed with compelling presentations, having rehearsed their spontaneous Whiteboard pitch, they go to customers declaring, “We have some Insights……,” dreaming of the ideal outcome. We know what that […]

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“No Decision Made” Is Still A Competitive Loss

By David Brock | November 27, 2013

Depending on the research you look at, “No Decision Made” has a huge impact on results we produce.  The lowest levels I’ve seen with leading market research firms is a little more than 20% of forecast deals end in no decision made.  Other reports have it going up from there, some as high as 50% of forecast deals. Recently, I’ve noticed a weird kind of psychology around these types of deals.  Yes, we don’t like them, but somehow it isn’t as bad as losing to our competitors.  We don’t treat these deals as a loss, we typically don’t go through […]

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Sales Operations–Connecting Everything To Produce Results!

By David Brock | November 25, 2013

I spend a lot of time talking about sales managers, executives, and sales people.  Often it’s on how we maximize our impact in connecting with customers, or maximizing performance –organizationally or individually. But the Sales Operations and Enablement functions are critical in providing the ability for managers, executives, and leaders to do this.  It’s sales operations that provides the systems, tools, processes, training, and programs that sales people execute.  It’s sales operations that tracks the results, helping sales executives determine whether we are on track or take corrective actions in getting back on track. Good sales operations executives focus on […]

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