Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference
This is Dave Brock’s Blog.
It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.
Every manager knows this, it’s Leadership 101, we must Lead By Example. What much of the literature misses, is that we are always Leading By Example, whether we do so consciously or unconsciously. What we, as leaders do every day, how we behave, the things we get involved in, how we set priorities — our people watch, observe, and emulate. What we do, always trumps what we say. So the issue isn’t about Leading By Example, but Are We Setting The Right Example? The other day, I was meeting with a group of sales executives. As often happens, the issue […]
Read MoreThe other day, I was speaking to a sales executive. We were talking about improving the impact of sales people in engaging customers, finding and pursuing more opportunities. Before I go further, this was a very sharp executive. The sales organization was very focused and appeared to be a high performance organization. They had a fantastic solution that solved important customer problems. The sales people were sharp, articulate, appropriately aggressive. The executive described the things they had in place, the things they were doing, their tools, systems, processes. They were doing “Vito” letters, developing, and presenting cost justified solutions. Both […]
Read MoreOne of the biggest errors any of us can make is Hearing What We Want To Hear. Most of the time it’s totally unconscious, we don’t realize what we are doing. As sales people, we want to engage the customer, we want to qualify the opportunity, we want to win the deal. We’re taught to probe and question. However, too often, those questions elicit only the thing we want to hear but not the real view, attitudes, or even needs of the customer. So we engage them in discussions about their business. We uncover dreams and opportunities. We discover challenges. […]
Read MoreIt’s so easy to lose sight of our goals and what we are trying to achieve. We start with great intentions, then we lose our direction. We start to focus on the wrong things: What’s our sales process? Our sales process is important, but why do we have a sales process in the first place? What’s our call plan? What’s our pipeline, what’s the forecast? What’s our deal strategy or our account plan? What are our marketing programs? And we can go on. The “What” questions also generate the “How” questions—How do we execute our sales process? How do we […]
Read MoreAll of us like to fit all sorts of principles and examples into Pareto’s Law. In many cases these are relevant and great examples. There are dozens of articles on leadership and coaching which apply the 80/20 principle. Everyone seems to have a different 80/20 depending on what they are talking about. Much of it may be valid, but too often I think many of these articles miss the real point. As managers, we are expected to lead, manage, and coach all our people–not just some of them. Our job is to maximize the performance of each person in our […]
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