Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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Customer Retention, Whose Job Is It Anyway?

By David Brock | April 18, 2013

I wrote, Customer Retention-Different Approaches, the other day.  It stimulated a lot of discussions.  One of the most interesting was with my friend Brian MacIver.  He reminded me of the terrible difficulty sales people have in retaining and growing business with existing customers, as well as the absence of customer retention strategies in many organizations. We hold sales responsible for customer retention.  We may measure them on retention, we may have goals for growing the business with our existing customers through cross sell, upsell, expanding our relationships. Account planning is a key element of virtually every organization’s sales strategies. But sales […]

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Mass Customization, Creating “Markets Of 1”

By David Brock | April 16, 2013

In 1999, Joe Pine published a fascinating book, Mass Customization.  It focused on transforming manufacturing, moving from mass produced products sold to mass markets, to more focused products manufactured for smaller markets-ultimately for individuals.  In manufacturing, there is the concept of “lot size.”  Essentially, that’s the quantity manufactured in a certain run.  Products with exactly the same features–same color, same options are grouped together into a single lot and manufactured together, creating greater manufacturing efficiency.  The line doesn’t have to be reconfigured since each product is exactly the same.  The number produced in each run determined the lot size.  Manufacturing […]

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Customer Retention, Different Approaches

By David Brock | April 16, 2013

Customer retention is a critical issue.  Wisdom (and data–thought it’s not at my fingertips) says that it costs us less to keep a good customer than to acquire a new customer.  But it seems companies take two different approaches to customer retention. It seems the alternative strategies center around “Keep them from leaving,” or “Let’s make them want to stay.”  They sound the same, but they are really quite different–and produce very different outcomes. Unfortunately, too many companies seem to adopt the “Keep them from leaving” approach.  The mentality underlying that approach isn’t concerned with customer experience, or even with customer […]

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10,000 Hours To Mastery — Or A Good Start

By David Brock | April 14, 2013

I’m a real fan of Malcolm Gladwell’s Blink. One of the most impactful parts of the book is the discussion around what it takes to achieve real mastery of something. Whether you are an orchestral musician, a world class athlete, a high performing doctor, or a sales professional—it takes a minimum of 10,000 hours to achieve mastery. Give me a number, it’s something I have to achieve. It’s like quota, I immediately thought, “Have I achieved mastery yet?” Where am I on the 10,000 hour scale? How much longer do I have to go? Quickly, I pulled out a calculator. […]

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“How Much Does That Cost?”

By David Brock | April 12, 2013

A natural question customers always ask is, “How much does that cost?”  Unfortunately, too often sales people answer incorrectly, responding with, “The price is……….” Cost and price are very different!  If we answer with our price, we’ve immediately transformed the conversation into a pricing discussion.  The end of this conversation is always the level of discount you’ve provided.  We totally miss the opportunity to really talk about costs when we shift the conversation to pricing. “How much does that cost””  It’s a different question, with a whole range of different answers.  We can use these answers to transform the discussion […]

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Walking Away

By David Brock | April 11, 2013

My post, “But Your Price Is Too High,”  has spawned dozens of comments.  One of the themes that has come up is “Walking Away.”  We all know we are supposed to do it, but walking away is something we rarely do.  It’s really not that simple to just walk away. We’re supposed to walk away from bad deals, whether it’s because of pricing or other issues.  But it’s far easier said than done. As we work deals through the pipeline, we become emotionally committed to them.  We’ve invested so much time, so much resource, we often fool ourselves.  We believe […]

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