Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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Love The Insight, I’ll Write A RFP!

By David Brock | March 3, 2013

The good news, we’ve engaged our customers with stunning insights.  You’ve gotten them excited, they’re motivated, they want to change! The bad news, the brilliant insight you provided didn’t cause them to immediately succumb and give you a PO.  They’ve assembled a buying team, they’re going to start to shape their priorities, evaluate alternatives……. Hold on there, that’s not the way this stuff is supposed to work!  How can they take your insight and put it out to bid? Well, the crass answer is, “They’re the customer, that’s what they get to do!”  You’ve stimulated the customer to enter into a […]

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Social Media Versus The Traditionalists

By David Brock | February 28, 2013

I was reading a very good post at OpenView Labs site, Can Social Prospecting Make Cold Calling Irrelevant.  It’s very good and you should be sure to read it.  But it got me thinking, Social Media changes so much.  It provides rich new tools we can leverage, the new communities we can engage, and the new possibilities to change the way we work.  Yet we apply those capabilities with the same old mindset that we have applied the traditional, old school tools.  I think the discussion and the focus puts the emphasis on the wrong things. First, we are still thinking […]

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Do You Have Enough Confidence To Listen To Your Customer?

By David Brock | February 27, 2013

I think too many sales people lack confidence!  Listen to them on sales calls, they’re constantly on the defensive or on edge.  They ask questions, listen selectively–usually hearing what they want to hear, often reacting defensively to something the customer might say.  They always rush to respond, sometimes interrupting the customer before they’ve completed what they have to say.  A customer may have an objection, a question stated poorly, a different point of view.  When stated, too many sales people immediately react and respond. Some sales people make a mistake.  They think they are driving the discussion, “controlling the conversation,” […]

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Stop Basing Your Probability Of Winning Based On Where You Are In The Pipeline!

By David Brock | February 26, 2013

Yeah, yeah, we all know it’s how we’ve “always” forecasted probability and weighted our pipelines.  Yes, for some reason all the CRM vendors “out of the box” implementation of the pipeline ties probability of winning to where you are in the sales process.  But when are we going to stop this simplistic and flatly wrong thinking about the probability of winning a deal? You know what I’m talking about.  We have a prospect who returns our call, we immediately declare a 10% probability of winning, because our systems are set up like that.  We have a couple of meetings, have qualified them, determined their needs, […]

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Social Business Is Not About Technology!

By David Brock | February 25, 2013

It’s hard not to be drawn into a conversation about Social Business.  Everyone seems to be talking about it.  Usually, one to two sentences into the conversation the focus is on, Twitter, blogs, Facebook, Piinterest, LinkedIn, how many followers, how do generate likes, and on and on and on……. We also seem to think social business is “new.”  I think it’s because whenever we talk about social business, it seems to be so closely intertwined with technology and social media.  But social business has been with us virtually since there has been commerce and trade. The problem is Social Business is really not about […]

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Sales Operations–Under Appreciated Resource For Sales Effectiveness

By David Brock | February 21, 2013

Sales Operations has a different meaning for every organization.  In some organizations, Sales Operations keeps the numbers—they provide all the reporting on sales attainment, the forecast, all other metrics.  In other organizations, they are responsible for systems, programs, processes, and tools.  In others, Sales Operations also provides training.  In other organizations, they are responsible for pricing and coordinating responses to big deals. Sales people have a love/hate relationships with folks from Sales Operations.  “They keep harassing me for reports,”  “All they care about is the systems and the numbers!”   “They’re the back room operations people–they don’t understand what it takes […]

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