Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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When Should Your Company Consider Global Expansion

By David Brock | January 25, 2013

I did a series of videos on Globalization for OpenView Labs.  This is the first in the series. Globalization can be an important element of your growth strategies, but too often we it incorrectly or at the wrong time.  Expanding into global markets isn’t just an issue of language, time zones, and distance. There’s a lot more to successfully grow in these new markets.  This video will give you a starting point. To see the original at OpenView’s site, go to When Should Your Company Consider Global Expansion?

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When We All Do The Same Thing, How Do We Stand Out?

By David Brock | January 25, 2013

I’m buying a new car—-no this article is not going to be about me whining about car sales people, it’s really about all of us in sales and marketing.  I’ll re state the question: When we all do the same thing, how do we stand out? Let me give some context.  I”ve leveraged two “car buying” services to help me find the best deal on cars.  I knew pretty much what I wanted and was looking at three different kinds of cars.  I used Costco’s program and the one offered by my insurance company to find dealerships and to get great […]

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Are You Playing Your Game Or Someone Else’s?

By David Brock | January 24, 2013

Anyone who has been involved in competitive athletics at any level knows you have to play your own game.  Once you start playing the opponents game, you probably lose.  If by some strange chance you win, it’s after slogging it out for a very long time and it takes everything out of you. Likewise in sales, we maximize our ability to win–and bring great value to our customers by playing our own game.  But there are huge numbers of things that threaten to throw us off our game.  Sometimes, we get off our game, without even recognizing it until we […]

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How Committed Are You?

By David Brock | January 22, 2013

With apologies to my Muslim, Jewish, Vegetarian, and Vegan friends, I’ll start this post with the old story:  “In helping prepare the ham and egg breakfast, who was more involved, the chicken or the pig?”  The response is, the chicken was involved, the pig was committed. I think this is an important distinction.  We see too many people involved — being sincere, trying hard, smart, motivated, positive, very busy, but somehow something’s missing. Commitment, deep emotional commitment, seems to be one of the consistent differences between top performers and everyone else.  This quality  seems to be more about who we are, not […]

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Are You Dealing With The Problem Owner Or The Solution Owner?

By David Brock | January 22, 2013

Yes, I know a few of you are scratching your heads saying, “What does Dave mean with this title?” I’ll explain, but first, I need to define a few things: We–sales people–are solution providers (hopefully).   The solution owner is the group within our customer responsible for implementing solutions, but they don’t own the problem, they are helping solve the problem. For example, many of our clients sell IT solutions–hardware, software, systems.  Inevitably, they call on IT, developing deep relationships with IT, responding to their needs to provide solutions to the Problem Owner–but too many aren’t calling on the Problem Owner.  […]

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Conflict Avoidance

By David Brock | January 21, 2013

You’d think I shouldn’t have to write a sales blog post about “Conflict Avoidance,”  yet I feel compelled to do so.  In writing this post, I feel a little like Michael Douglas’s Gordon Gecko character in the original “Wall Street.”  Instead of proclaiming “Greed is Good,” I feel like proclaiming Conflict is Good–that is, conflict properly handled is good. Yet, too often, in our organizations and with our customers we avoid conflict. I sit in hundreds of meetings every year.  The meetings are conflict free–to the point of being incredibly boring and a waste of time.  Now understand, I’m not […]

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