Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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Starting At The Top

By David Brock | January 18, 2013

There’s the old adage–still promoted in way too many sales training workshops, articles, and blogs:   “Start at the top!”  It’s wrong, it’s dumb, it’s laziness, it’s an indicator to the customer that you don’t understand their business. Don’t get me wrong.  Decisions are being pushed higher in organizations.  More people are getting involved, so we have to be calling higher and wider. But the most appropriate level to start your sales prospecting is the highest level of someone who cares—and no higher!  Why?  Well duggghhhh, they don’t care, so why are you going to waste their time? Yet too many sales people shoot […]

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Meeting Our Commitments

By David Brock | January 16, 2013

As professionals, particularly as sales professionals, we are only as good as the commitments we meet.  We’re always making commitments–to our customers, our colleagues, our managers, ourselves.  But how many do we meet? We tend to make a lot of commitments, it’s easy to do—“I’ll do this,”  “I’ll do that,”  “I’ll get back to you with these…..”  Commitments are meaningless unless we deliver on them–they become meaningless words, reducing our credibility and our trustworthiness. We also tend to waste a lot of time, recovering from the commitments we didn’t fulfill.  Others come back to us, “You said you’d do this…..” […]

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Stop Wasting Your Time Selling!

By David Brock | January 14, 2013

A sales person’s job is to sell–so why would I recommend professional sales people stop wasting their time selling?  The real issue is that too many sales people waste time selling to people who have no need to buy. Sales people make 100’s of calls every day.  Mindlessly calling endless lists of people.  They don’t know anything about those people, their companies, but their name is on the list so they call.  Or marketing has provided a lead.  Perhaps someone requested a white paper or information.  The lead is given to the sales person to call.  The sales person dials.  […]

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Doing The Work

By David Brock | January 10, 2013

Sales people love to talk.  Sales people love to talk about selling.  Get a few sales people together, they exchange war stories, whine, talk about successes, share ideas.  Sales people will talk about their customers, they’ll talk about their territories, they will talk about what they want to do.  They will strategize about different approaches, how to get the order.  The list goes on, sales people love to talk. Lots of people are enamored with the concept of selling.  Meeting with customers, talking about their products, the psychic rewards of winning a deal, the financial rewards of winning deals. But […]

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The Problem With Forecasting

By David Brock | January 9, 2013

In virtually every conversation with a sales executive, at one point we get into a discussion about forecasting.  Usually it starts with the executive mumbling something like, “Damn forecasts are worthless, I might was well flip a coin……..”  Being very cue sensitive, I usually reply something like, “Forecasting system not working for you?” Then I just sit back and listen.  No one has accurate forecasts.  They put in strange processes to increase the accuracy of the forecast.  I see strange sequences of forecasts, the “This may happen forecast,”  moves to “I hope this will happen forecast,”  to “I’m sure this […]

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What If We Managed Our People The Way We Sold To Our Customers?

By David Brock | January 9, 2013

I had this brilliant idea for a post on sales leadership and organizational transformation.  When we sell to our customers, we give them insight about how to improve there businesses, we help them identify new opportunities to grow, to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their operations.  We have powerful methodologies or approaches  like Consultative, Solutions, Customer-Focused, Challenger, Provocative Selling to help us do this. I thought it would be brilliant to write a post applying much of what we do in selling  to leading and developing our people. I sat down at the computer, wrote the title and it struck me […]

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