Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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Forcing The Customer To Do “Our Jobs”

By David Brock | March 1, 2022

It’s no wonder customers are, increasingly, opting for a rep-free experience. Not only do we not understand what they are trying to do; or we focus primarily on our interests and quota attainment rather than their goals; but we force them to do our jobs! Buying (with the exception of procurement) is not our customers’ primary job. They have their day jobs, which may be overwhelming. Then on top of that, they are trying to fix something, change, take advantage of an opportunity–which often provokes a buying journey. Somehow, they have to find the time to fit this into their […]

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The Only “Guaranteed” Sales Advice!

By David Brock | February 28, 2022

Everyday we are deluged with tips, techniques, hacks, and tricks to improve our ability to prospect, sell, win, achieve quotas. Some of it is good, some is well intended, too much is just a demonstration of ego or an attempt to separate people from their money. There is no end to the pronouncements, “Just do these 2 [Insert your own number] things and you will win!” Having studied these for years, I’ve decided it’s about time to jump on the bandwagon. I have come up with the definitive piece of sales advice. It’s guaranteed to give you success. I would […]

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Rethinking Value

By David Brock | February 28, 2022

I was having a fascinating conversation with a good friend and client. We were talking about the challenges his people had in articulating value and differentiation. The products they sell had become highly commoditized. In the past, where there had been significant product based differentiation, over time, with more competition and market changes, everty thing changed. Today, there is virtually no differentiation between products offered by his company and those offered by the competition. All had pretty much the same specifications, features, functions. (We see this in virtually every product. For example PCs, CRM, ERP (at least the traditional major […]

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Skating To Where The Puck Was!

By David Brock | February 24, 2022

There’s the famous Wayne Gretzky quote, “I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been.” If you read the current literature and blog posts on the future of selling, everything is about it being virtual, or in the least, hybrid. Guru’s and sales execs alike are talking and investing in tools that allow sales people to engage over virtual platforms like Teams, Zoom, and others. Sales execs talk about how they are reducing travel budgets, because sales people can engage customers virtually, reducing or even eliminating the need for F2F. They love the productivity […]

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Stop The Madness

By David Brock | February 24, 2022

Long time readers will know that every once in a while I need to vent and express my frustration with some of the mindless things we see people doing in sales and marketing. This is one of those posts. Yes, I’ll whine, yes, many of you get the same things inflicted on you, and maybe we can let off a little steam and chuckle. And, inevitably, I will alienate a huge segment in the sales/marketing world. In this case, it’s PR Agents and Media Consultants. I always dive into this with some level of concern, I do know a small […]

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The Problem With “Discovery”

By David Brock | February 23, 2022

For decades, sales people have been taught about the importance of “Discovery.” It’s a series of questions we inflict on the customer. We use it, both to qualify opportunities, and to understand how to position our solutions to win. We learn how to ask a series of questions to understand their needs, to understand who will be involved in the buying decision, to understand their budgets, to understand their decision criteria and timeframe. The thinking behind the discovery process is that once the customer gives us all those answers, we can then undertake a series of activities to position our […]

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