Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference
This is Dave Brock’s Blog.
It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.
Surveys are and should be a powerful way of getting feedback. Properly used, they can provide great insight on where you are doing well and where you can improve. Too often, however, surveys are being abused. They may be thinly disguised marketing efforts, abusive self promotion, or a terrible substitute for “customer service.” Then there are those surveys that only allow you to give them the input they want to hear, “You MUST Be Ecstatic With Us!” I’m genuinely interested in the power of surveys for insight and improvement, so I tend to respond to every survey I get–both to […]
Read MoreSales people are always making commitments. “We can solve your problems!” “We absolutely can meet your schedules?” “We have no problems meeting your terms.” “I’ll have an answer to that by……” “I’ll be there Friday at 9:30 am…….” The problem we have is not making commitments, it’s keeping them. In fact, as I speak with customers, the key differentiator they see is this ability to keep commitments. From the point of view of the customer, the ability of the sales person to meet commitments–no matter how small, is a reflection of the ability of their company to meet commitments. So […]
Read MoreSo you’ve finally qualified a deal, you have something real to compete for, an opportunity to win. Usually, you start planning what you need to do, make some calls, find out what they want, prepare a proposal, present your solution, close the deal. Simple. In reality it seems things drag on and on and on and….. We blame the customer, they aren’t moving forward. In some cases, that’s true, but too often, I think much of the blame rests with us–the sales person. When I sit down and review deals with people, the strategies seem unfocused. Some sales calls where […]
Read MoreMy friend Bob Thompson of CustomerThink posed an interesting question the other day. Bob’s really an authority on customer experience and tends to take a broader view of customer experience than most–and I think he is right. We talk a lot about the buying experience and the customer experience, as though those are the most critical things to consider and measure as we look at the overall topic of customer experience. As intense and focused as they may be, I think we miss a huge amount by just discussing these. While not elegant, we need to be thinking about the impressions both […]
Read MoreA False Positive is a term used in medicine. Imagine some sort of test that comes back with results saying you have a life threatening condition, but in reality you don’t. The results of the test were mistaken, giving a False Positive. If your doctor doesn’t know the results are mistaken, that a False Positive has occurred, the doctor could prescribe treatments for a condition you don’t have. They can be quite painful and may create a whole series of problems that can be devastating. In medicine, researchers and doctors are particularly concerned about False Positives. Often, the reason multiple […]
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