Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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Building Your Sweet Spot

By David Brock | September 10, 2012

In my post, Focus On Your Sweet Spot, I spoke of the importance of developing a rich profile of your ideal customer and focusing viciously on qualifying opportunities within the sweet spot.  It’s a fundamental to sales success.  Too often, we have a poorly defined sweet spot or none at all.  This adversely impacts everything we do as sales people–our win rates our lower, our sales cycles are longer, our competitiveness is lower, our ability to defend our margins is lower, and our ability to create and leverage value for our customers is lower.  And then, for those we win, […]

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Focus On Your Sweet Spot!

By David Brock | September 7, 2012

I talk about the importance of “focusing on your sweet spot,” a lot, often taking for granted people understand what I mean.  My post, An Output Of Your Sales Process Should Be Profitable Customers, generated a number of phone calls and email discussions about the sweet spot.  So I thought I’d add some thoughts to clarify and better define it. When I speak with sales professionals, I often ask them< “What’s your sweet spot?”  The responses are all over the place, but include:  “We focus on small businesses,’ or “We focus on enterprise selling,”  or “We provide solutions for (insert the […]

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An Output Of The Sales Process Should Be Profitable Customers

By David Brock | September 6, 2012

Most of the time we look at our sales process and think of it as producing deals, orders, or revenue.  Don’t get me wrong, those are still critical outputs of the sales process.  However, too often we fail to think about the quality of the deals we close.  In our competitiveness or hunger to close business, we sometimes win the wrong deals. A key goal of the sales process needs to be producing profitable customers. This sounds obvious, but too often, we don’t know a customer has the potential of being unprofitable until after we get the order, or until […]

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How Do You Use Your Downtime?

By David Brock | September 5, 2012

Sales people always seem to be busy and on the “go.”  We’re running from meeting to meeting, we have phone calls to make, and then there’s always email.  We seem to always be in motion, always doing something. But then there is the “downtime.”  Those few minutes waiting to see the customer.  All that time traveling to and from the customer, all the spaces between those activities we have on our agendas.  Upon reflection, it piles up.  There are huge chunks of our day that are downtime, opportunities to do something.  How do you use your downtime? Let me get […]

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What Are Your Intentions?

By David Brock | September 4, 2012

We are all busy.  We start our days already with too much on our plates.  Turn on the computer, hundreds on emails come in.  Tweets, texts, phone calls all compete for our attention.  We look at our schedules, meeting after mindless meeting, phone calls, web conferences. We struggle with organizing our time, dealing with interruptions, juggling schedules and priorities.  At the end of the day, week, month, we wonder where the time has gone.  We’ve made some progress, but often we seem further behind. Too often, it seems like habit or momentum guides our behavior. “This is the way we’ve […]

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“I Don’t Know What You Do, But I Know What You Need To Do!”

By David Brock | August 31, 2012

We know we have to challenge our customers to think differently, that we have to bring ideas and insight.  We try to be provocative to catch our customers’ attentions.  But absent an understanding of the customer, being challenging or provocative is just another pitch! My good friend, Tamara Schenk, shared a story with me.  A vendor approached her, stating, “You need to make some changes in the sales enablement strategies you are driving in your organization!  You need to do this………”  You guessed it, it was a pitch for his solution.  I laughed when she told me her response, “Thank […]

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