Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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Focus–What Separates Top Performers From Everyone Else

By David Brock | June 18, 2012

 We’re all incredibly busy.  Our days get filled with all sorts of things–things which may seem very urgent.  We have emails to respond to, we have meetings of all sorts, we have proposals, the lists go on. Things pop up through the day or week, a crisis, something that must be addressed, or just something that diverts our attention.  Too often, we go through our days like bumper cars.  Each time we hit one, we bounce off, headed another direction.  Go into any sales office, and there’s always a frenzy of activity, people coming and going, phones ringing, conference rooms […]

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Lean Sales And Marketing–Defining Value

By David Brock | June 15, 2012

As I typed the title to this week’s installment on Lean Sales And Marketing, I cringed.  Somehow I feel the title is redundant.  As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, Lean is about understanding the essence of what customers value and focusing our efforts on creating and delivering that value.  The key word in the last sentence is essence. Too many times we really don’t understand what our customers value.  We impose what we think they should value instead.  Alternatively, we know what value our solutions provide, so we seek to impose these on them.  We develop all sorts of marketing […]

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When The Going Gets Tough

By David Brock | June 13, 2012

We’re about to enter the second half of the year.  People are looking at their pipeline’s and results to date, too often seeing a big gap in their ability to meet the full year’s numbers.  Panic is starting to set in, “We have to make the numbers!” Too often, as people rush to “fix” the problem, they do the wrong things, unwittingly making things worse.  It’s not unusual to see a frenzy of internal meetings to assess the problem and fix it.  It’s important to determine what the underlying problem is, but too often, these are “all hands,” frenzied, hand […]

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CRM, Sales 2.0 And Compliance

By David Brock | June 12, 2012

Hang around any conference about CRM or any of the Sales 2.0 tools and sooner or later the issue of compliance comes up.  Compliance is basically code for, “How do we get the sales people to use this stuff?”  Virtually every CRM system has standard reports for managers to look at compliance.  They can monitor who logs on, for how long, how frequently they are using the system.  Various techniques are used to increase utilization, improving compliance—some of the techniques border on the draconian. It’s interesting, I seldom hear conversations about compliance in any other sense.  Think about it for […]

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“What We Sell Is Different Than What We Install”

By David Brock | June 10, 2012

I started my career selling mainframe computers for IBM in the very late 70’s.  One of the most important things I learned from one of my mentors at the time was, “What We Sell Is Different Than What We Install.”  It’s a simple notion that is important for every sales person today–whether you sell cars, complex computer systems, complex services.  We wrap a lot of fancy terminology around the concept, we call it Solution Selling, Consultative Selling, Provocative Selling, Insight Based Selling; but the underlying principles are the same. Let me go back to my days of selling computers.  The […]

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Lean Sales And Marketing — Standard Work

By David Brock | June 7, 2012

Last Friday, I kicked off a series of Friday posts I will be doing on Lean Sales and Marketing.  At the core of lean is understanding an focusing on the essence of value creation and delivery.  Lean attempts to eliminate any activities that do not contribute to value creation or delivery. A core principle within lean becomes defining “Standard Work.”  Now I can imagine at least 70% of my readers shuddering at this concept.  “There is nothing standard about what we do in sales, we have to be free to respond to the specific customer situation!”  “Every customer situation is […]

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