Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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It’s All In Your Head!

By David Brock | January 24, 2012

Sales people are notoriously bad at writing things down and documenting things.  I talk to thousands a year.  When I start talking about documenting something–a deal plan, an account plan, territory, call plans, even a to-do list–all of a sudden you can see the resistance in their faces.  They sit back, fold their arms.  Most say nothing, but a few courageous one’s will say, “Dave, you don’t get it.  I’m  too busy to do this.  I don’t have time to document these things–it’s too bureaucratic–I’ve got a plan, it’s in my head!” I’m used to this.  I respond, “OK, I get […]

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A Different Take On Challenging Conversations

By David Brock | January 23, 2012

I’ve been writing a lot about changing the conversation, about challenging our customers, about getting them to think differently.  A lot of readers have been sending me notes, asking for advice on how to do this. While I agree with many of the principles outlined in Challenger Selling and Provocative Selling, I take a little different view on things.  The basic premise of many of these approaches is that we have to know our customers businesses better than they do, we have to have better ideas for their business or function than they do. I tend to think of this […]

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What If We’re Not Important? Part 2

By David Brock | January 22, 2012

As I mentioned in the previous, What If We’re Not Important post, it’s always difficult to imagine what we sell and do may not be important. Don’t get me wrong, what we do is important to someone–after all if we were truly not important, then our companies would be out of business.  The issue is are we important enough for the customers to invest in now?  We may have great business cases, but regardless how compelling the business case, if we aren’t at the top of the hit parade of our customers’ strategic initiatives, we won’t get the order. In […]

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What If We’re Not Important?

By David Brock | January 21, 2012

It’s difficult to imagine what we sell might be unimportant.  It’s important to us, it’s how we make our living.  It’s important to our company, it’s why the company exists, it’s why we design and build products and solutions  Our solutions are important to our customers—at least some of them–perhaps a certain department, a functional area, certain teams within our customers.  It used to be, at least for larger companies, that if we could come up with a business case that was compelling enough, our customers could “find the money.”  They’d take the proposal–by that time, it was theirs–something they […]

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Performance Management Friday — Abandoned Deals

By David Brock | January 20, 2012

Last week, I talked about the importance of Win Loss Analysis.   No one questions doing win/loss analysis, in particular, we really worry about losses.  There is a hidden performance and resource drain that can have a dramatic impact on our success.  It’s the abandoned deal.  Abandoned deals happen more frequently then we think–we usually don’t track them well.  But they’re the deals that we’ve qualified and pursue proactively.  We may abandon them for many reasons–we lose interest, our customers lose interest in us, we see that we can’t win, or any other reasons.  Increasingly, however, I’m seeing the most damaging […]

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What Happens When The Customer Doesn’t Raise His Hand?

By David Brock | January 20, 2012

There has been an important revolution in marketing thinking over the past years.  The move from thinking about campaigns to rich content programs and nurturing is important.  It recognizes something important, that customers want to learn, they want to be educated.  These programs enable us to develop “relationships” with customers and nurture them up to the point of their deciding they need to take action and start a buying process. In our nurturing programs, we design them to have the customer take different actions through the program that help us gauge their level of interest, their urgency, and their readiness […]

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