Partners in EXCELLENCE - Making a Difference


Making A Difference – Thoughts, Observations and Opinions

This is Dave Brock’s Blog.

It offers my views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topic. My goal is to make a difference for you, the reader, in both your professional and personal lives.

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Reflections, Lessons, Courage To Follow Your Passions

By David Brock | October 5, 2011

Lessons on life and business.  Take the time to watch, then take a few moments to think what you want to change–are you pursuing your passions, if not, find them and pursue them.  Life is too short and precious to do anything else.

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Sales Transformation–Without The Customer

By David Brock | October 4, 2011

The other day I was reading a very thoughtful piece, from someone I respect.  It was about critical success factors in transforming the sales organization.  At first, I thought, “This guy is really on target.”  But as I got further, I had an uncomfortable feeling.  By the end, I thought, “This is interesting, but where’s the customer?” I went back to reread the document.  The word “customer” was never mentioned.  The word “buyer” was mentioned once.  I thought, “How can we be talking about sales transformation—or anything about sales—without first talking about the customer?” I think this person had fallen […]

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Innovation And Improvement — Whose Job In Sales Is It?

By David Brock | October 4, 2011

Before I jump ahead, let me first tackle the basic notions of innovation and improvement in sales.  Too many may look at this post thinking, “I’m struggling to make my numbers, don’t bother me with this talk about innovation and improvement.” I can empathize with this feeling.  We are overworked, we have too much on our plates.  Research says fewer than 50% of sales people are making their numbers.  We’re so caught up in “fighting the alligators” that we forget the “swamp needs to be drained.”  But these are the very factors that mandate the need for innovation and improvement.  […]

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Performance Management Friday — Balanced Performance

By David Brock | September 29, 2011

As sales people, we may be responsible for a lot of different things—we may have a number of product lines we can sell, we may have responsibility for retaining and growing current customers, as well as acquiring new customers.  There may be a number of different strategic objectives our company may have for us. However, sometimes, we get stuck in a rut–we have our favorite product lines–the one or two products we know very well, those that we have had great success in selling.  Or we are stuck calling on the same customers–people who we know, customers with whom we […]

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When Nurturing Becomes Pestering

By David Brock | September 29, 2011

Everyone want to nurture their customers and prospects.  We want to provide them meaningful, relevant content.  We want them to be informed and updated.  We want to build our thought leadership.  We want to build a relationship.  At the point when they are ready to buy, we want them to remember us, pick up the phone and give us a call. But too often, nurturing becomes pestering.  Do I really need to hear from you every day?  I can barely keep up with my job, is your content–regardless how compelling really meaningful and relevant on a daily basis–or could you […]

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Return On Your “Selling” Investment

By David Brock | September 27, 2011

Some who have been following me for some time may be a little surprised about this title.  I’m always focused on creating value for the customer, aligning sales process with the customer buying process, and being viciously customer focused.  But, selling is a “for profit” activity (even in not for profits).  It’s critical the customers we work with give us a fair return on our selling investment—if they don’t thy’re not doing their job!  Well maybe that’s a little too strong, but it’s critical that we invest our time, where customers value that investment. There are customers that will never, […]

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